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贪婪让他变成了阶下囚。It is greed that reduced him to a prisoner.

最后他被几个强壮的海盗抓住而沦为阶下囚。At last he was caught as a prisoner by several strong pirates.

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他从阶下囚成为总统,在这过程中,他成为了民众偶像。He went from being prisoner to president, and in the process became an icon.

当昔日的“勾引者”成了阶下囚,光鲜的“花花公子”形象也要大打折扣了。The glamorous "playboy" image gets a bit lame when " the seducer" becomes the prisoner.

就连步惊云及上代武林神话无名亦成为阶下囚。Even Bujing Yun and martial arts myth of previous generations has become a nameless prisoner.

审讯不仅变成获取情报的过程,还成为了彻底羞辱阶下囚的过程。The interrogation became a process not justof getting information but of utterly subordinating the detainee throughhumiliation.

文章详细地讲述了中国春秋末期越王勾践如何以阶下囚的身份卧薪尝胆,最后击败吴王夫差的故事。Article describes in detail China's Spring and Autumn Period Goujian how to hardships as a prisoner, and finally beat Fuchai story.

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比如有资料说这个词有1100年的历史,那时候神圣罗马帝国和斯拉夫人打仗,许多斯拉夫人成为阶下囚。The word comes to us because 1100 years ago the Holy Roman Empire was fighting with Slavic people and taking many of them prisoner.

这是他第二次沦为阶下囚,与其一起获刑的还有他的哥哥刘永科及原中大恒基的15名高层。This is his second time as a prisoner, his elder brother Liu Yongke and 15 executive leaders of the company were also sent to jail.

巴比伦人最终还是攻占了耶路撒冷,他们彻底的毁坏了整个城市,并把当地人收为阶下囚。The Babylonians came against the city of Jerusalem and besieged it. They completely destroyed the city and started taking prisoners.

在圣经中,记录了那些为上帝打仗的勇士,他们时常遍体鳞伤,或者成为阶下囚,甚至为服事而丧掉生命。The Scriptures show that those who fight the battles of God often end up wounded, imprisoned, and even killed as a result of their service.

现年38岁的基尔帕特里克因与已婚女下属发生性丑闻,从政治新星变成阶下囚。Currently because 38 year-old Kilpatrick has the sex scandal with the married female subordinate, turns the captive from the political nova.

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与此同时,即将沦为阶下囚的安德烈的超人记忆力,也因为这一“学历门”丑闻而遭到了前所未有的质疑。Meanwhile, Andre is about to become a prisoner of the memory of Superman, but also because of this "academic gate" scandal has been an unprecedented challenge.

时过境迁,此刻的他已经从世界第一产油大国石油部长的高位上一落千丈,沦为除一身牢衣之外别无长物的阶下囚徒。He had fallen a long way, from being oil minister of one of the world's largest oil-producing countries to a detainee whose only possession was his prison jumpsuit.

然而,进京赶考的他受到考场舞弊案的牵连,一夕间从状元郎变成阶下囚。However, drive him what take an examination of to get into Beijing the embroil of case of examination room fraud, from Number One Scholar man becomes a captive between one evening.

糊涂的怀王听信谗言,疏远屈原,把他放逐到汉北,结果楚怀王被秦国骗去当了三年阶下囚,死在异国。Listen to calumny huai confused, alienated Qu Yuan, he was exiled to the north of Han, the result was the grandson of a prisoner for three years when Qin cheated, died in a foreign country.

一些早期富豪榜的排名很高的成员已经成为阶下囚,包括黄光裕,前国美电器控股有限公司,以及上海房地产大亨周正毅。Several once high-flying members of earlier rich lists have ended up in jail, including Huang Guangyu, the founder of Gome Electrical Appliance Holding Ltd, and Shanghai property tycoon Zhou Zhengyi.