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余下的就都进了方的腰包。The rest went to Fang.

余下的就是蛔虫的研究。That left the roundworm.

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永佳得余下的。Angah gets of the remainder.

还是会余下些蓝莓碎末。Blueberry bits will remain though.

完成一小部分作业后,就盖上你的课本和笔记,试着不去看课本和笔记完成余下的作业。Do Homework Without Notes and Book.

第6章会讨论余下的步骤。Chapter 6 discusses the remaining steps.

但余下时日,醉眼朦胧。But the rest of the time he spends drinking.

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我希望我余下的生涯都能是一位湖人队队员。I want to be a Laker for the rest of my life.

接下来,需要填充余下的单元格。Next, you need to fill in the remaining cells.

你要是陪伴我度过余下的生活该多好啊。Only if you spend the rest of my life with me.

我们一天里余下的时间都在那里玩水。We spent the rest day in playing the water there.

奥巴马在余下的时间里能有所作为吗?Can Mr. Obama do anything in the time that remains?

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逻辑上说,其他所有余下要做的事情就是找到让她单独一人的机会。Logistically, all that is left is to get her alone.

在余下的赛季,他再也没那样使用全场紧逼。He never used the full-court press the same way again.

这里,如果还有余下的参数,我们将处理它们。Here, we handle the remaining args, if any were given.

今天晚上,她复习了第一百零一课余下的部分。She reviewed the rest part in lesson 101 this evening.

雕像余下的部分再也没有被发现——直到现在。The rest of the statue had not been found – until now.

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最后,她听写了第八十六课余下的内容。And she dictated the rest content in lesson 86 at last.

就像余下的我们,朝鲜人生活在一个有趣的时代。Like the rest of us, Koreans live in interesting times.

本文余下的内容假设您已完成了这项操作。The remainder of this article assumes you have done this.