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脂肪和卡路里Grams of fat and calories?

多少人支持低卡路里饮食How many low calorie diet?

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总热量是160卡路里。Total calories are only 160.

一个百吉卷有多少卡路里的热量?How many calories in a bagel?

我们摄取的卡路里太多了。We overdid it on the calories.

而这些卡路里来自于两个甜甜圈。And that's about two doughnuts.

选择低卡路里、低脂肪饮食。Follow a low-calorie, low-fat diet.

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半个柚子大约有39卡路里能量。Half a grapefruit has just 39 calories.

卡路里的理论显然是错误的。The calorie theory is just plain wrong.

每包能燃烧2000卡路里。Each Sachet Will Burn-off 2000 Calories.

你怎么看计算卡路里摄入量?How do you feel about counting calories?

你每天所需的卡路里大概是多少?How many calories will you need per day?

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第一,什么是卡路里Let's first talk about what a calorie is.

惊讶于卡路里含量过高还是过低Surprised on the high side or the low side?

那么我们如何测量卡路里呢Where does the--how do we measure calories?

多少卡路里和多少克热量How many calories and how many grams of fat?

然后在晚上吃一点清淡,低卡路里的食物。Then eat a clean, low-calorie meal at night.

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糖醋排骨中含有多少卡路里?。How many calories are there in sweet sour pork?

这种受欢迎的,低卡路里的小吃还有什么特别呢?What else is in this refreshing, low-cal snack?

一片皮萨有多少的卡路里呢?How many calories are there in a piece of pizza?