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我袭击了上司。I assaulted my C. O.

但这是一次精确的袭击。But it was a precise raid.

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受其影响,海南岛中东部受到暴风雨袭击,至今尚无伤亡报道。No casualties were reported.

威震天,我们被袭击!Megatron we are under attack.

我们在破晓时分袭击了敌人。We attacked the enemy at dawn.

我们猛烈袭击敌舰。We burst upon the enemy ships.

它开始于一次自杀式炸弹袭击。It started with a suicide bomb.

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抢劫犯在公园里向他突然袭击。Muggers jumped him in the park.

军队袭击那个要塞。The army assailed the fortress.

抢劫犯突然向一个盲人袭击。The mugger laid to a blind man.

摄像头游戏,忍者袭击!Camera-based game, Ninja attack!

我们的部队袭击了敌营。Our troops raided the enemy camp.

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他遭到两个蒙面人的袭击。He was set upon by two masked men.

这一幅是公共马车遭到袭击Here's the attack on a stagecoach.

399号曾在2007年袭击过一个露营者。No. 399 attacked a camper in 2007.

其他人没有逃脱袭击。Others did not escape the assault.

一位名叫贾韦德.艾哈迈德的店主目睹了那次袭击。Shopkeeper Jawed Ahmad was nearby.

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昨晚,两个强盗袭击了他。Two robbers jumped him last night.

强盗又一次袭击了富阳县。Bandits had struck again in Fuyang!

这儿,一场暴风雨袭击了附近的山谷。Here a storm pelts a nearby valley.