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伟大的艺术能持续数百年不衰。Gread art endures for centuries.

历久而不衰的绝妙好曲!Another good song from Sarah Chen.

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每天临池不辍,激情不衰。He trains every day with his passion.

他的戏剧经历两个多世纪而不衰。His plays have endured for more than two centuries.

真实是报告文学的一个长谈不衰的话题。Truthfulness is the everlasting topic on reportages.

花会凋谢,草会干黄,惟有爱是永不衰残。Flowers will fade, grass will wither, but love endures.

动则不衰,用则不退。生命在于运动。The move is long, use is not retreat. Life is movement.

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这一理想使奥林匹克运动得以经百年不衰。Such ideal makes the Olympic Games exist for a long time.

茶为国饮,在中国历数千年而不衰!Tea for National drink. In China Millennium not backward!

该学说五百多年久盛不衰。The doctrine held the field for quite five hundred years.

反法西斯主义是德国文学长写不衰的一大主题。Anti-fascism is one everlasting theme in German literature.

与之相反,汉语倒久盛不衰,并成为官方语言之一。Instead, Hanyu persevered and became one of the official languages.

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“魅力”是关汉卿公案剧盛传不衰的主要原因。The"charm"is the widely known cause for Guan Hanqing s Gongan dramas.

这一理想使奥林匹克运动得以经百年而不衰。This ideal has enabled the Olympic Games to thrive for more than a century.

“服务e站”唱响每一个角落不衰,凸显高风骨。"Service e stand" made every corner continuously, highlights high strength.

采摘下的迷迭香树叶常绿不衰,因此人们把迷迭香树与悼念接洽在一起。Because its leaves remain green long after being picked, rosemary became as.

中式服装之风已在世界盛行不衰。The winds of Chinese clothing has not changed as the prevalence in the world.

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笔筒因使用方便,很快就风靡天下,至今仍盛而不衰。Penholder due to ease of use, quickly swept the world, is still not bad-sheng.

墨西哥一度久盛不衰的音乐工业已遭到盗版活动的破坏。Mexico’s long-established, vibrant music industry has been devastated by piracy.

在这难忘而愉快的岁月中,我们的“友谊之树”已硕果累累,但愿它常励不衰。In these unforgettable and joyful days, wish our friendship tree fruitful forever.