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春哥纯爷们,铁血真汉子!Spring Brother is True Man!

谁被称为“铁血宰相”?Who was known as Iron chancellor?

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无急性出血或者是含铁血黄素沉积。No acute haemorrhage or hemosiderin deposit is seen.

同时,凤儿也改名叫铁血枪花。At the same time, chicken son also called Tiexue guns.

春哥纯爷们!铁血真汉子!Spring elder brother pure men! Blood and iron real man!

也可出现出血形成的含铁血黄素。There can be hemosiderin pigment from hemorrhage as well.

有5个病灶出现出血及含铁血黄素沉着。Hemorrhage and hemosiderosis occurred in 5 lesions of REP.

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春季纯哥伦比亚丈夫,真正的男子汉含铁血。The spring of pure Colombian husband, real men hemosiderosis.

你可以用钱买通,但只有铁血才能让他心服口服。You can buy a man with gold, but only blood and steel will keep him true.

如果教练有这些铁血的能力,为什么他不能继续担任球队的工作呢?If the coach seizes that, why shouldn't he continue to work with the team?

它是由含铁血黄素沉积于前弹力膜而成。It is from Hemosiderosis genistein deposition from the former elastic membrane.

“查理斯的经营方式可称铁血,”经济学家布鲁斯·巴特莱特如是说。“Charles runs it all with an iron hand, ” Bruce Bartlett, the economist, told me.

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中枢神经系统表面含铁血黄素沉积症的病因很多,详见表1。The causes of superficial siderosis of the CNS are numerous and are listed in Table 1.

被描述为“铁血硬汉”的巴尼是个“在危机边缘领袖群伦的战略家”。Described as “void of emotion” Barney is the “strategist leading his men to the fringe.

很多评论家说,他在自己演绎的铁血男儿中注入了幽默和敏感。Many critics said he brought humor and sensitivity to his portrayal of the Man of Steel.

我们现在的幸福生活都是革命先辈的铁血换来的。Without the indomitable will of the revolutionaries, our happy life would be impossible.

一天,铁血魔王暴了雷霆怒斩,我跳上去了,心里那个激动。One day, the thunder storms Hemosiderosis angry devil off, I jumped out, was that exciting.

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有通天啊,我昨天还打了,我最好的打铁血爆霹雳!!!Qualcomm has God, I played yesterday, I played the best Hemosiderosis thunderbolt blasting!

肾小管内含有大量含铁血黄素颗粒。These renal tubules contain large amounts of hemosiderin, as demonstrated by an iron stain.

中枢神经系统表面含铁血黄素沉积症的治疗仅限于手术去除出血灶。Treatment of superficial siderosis of the CNS is limited to removing the source of bleeding.