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不过我是幸运的。But I am lucky.

不过可是累坏了。I'm just tired.

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不过,算了吧!But let it pass!

不过她还是照做了。But she does it.

不过那也挺好。But that's okay.

他不过是个小青年。He is just a lad.

这不过是个神话。It's only a myth.

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我不过是来试探试探你,没想到你竟不可理喻。I came to try you.

不过追赶一条死狗,一个虼蚤就是了。A dead dog? A flea?

不过他找到的是威斯康辛。He found Wisconsin.

那不过是个笑话。That is just a jok.

这不过是一句玩笑话。That's just a joke.

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不过我们还是没有排练过We did not do this.

不过,我有孩子。But I have children.

不过天下事总是这样的。But it is always so.

不过还不够。But it's not enough.

不过存在一个障碍。But there is a snag.

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有点疯狂,不过没问题。Hectic, but alright.

不过,我在罗马也很不错。I feel good in Rome.

不过我是个乐观主义者。But I am an optimist.