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纯熟石材地整套图纸地清算。细化。Skilled stone set of drawing sorting.

整套设备装在几个柱脚上。The complete unit is mounted on legs.

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只用了三天他就把整套衣服缝好了。He did a complete suit in only three days.

他所推荐的整套系统很优秀。The system he recommends here is excellent.

它们也有脑部、心脏等整套器官。They have brains, and hearts, the whole bit.

我所收集的邮票还差一张才凑成整套。I need one more stamp to complete my collection.

整套书都是关于苏琪的,讲的是她一个人的故事。The books are about Sookie, they tell her story.

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带着满腔热忱,我完成了整套动作,笑逐颜开。I grinned as I finished with a strong sense of passion.

每一名程序经理专门负责整套功能特性的某一部分。Each can be responsible for some subset of the features.

开襟毛衣一件时髦的毛衣可以立即打亮整套造型。Cardigan A snazzy sweater instantly dresses up any outfit.

那人是一个兜卖整套牙齿、牙膏、牙粉和药酒的走江湖的牙科医生。A substance, such as a paste or powder, for cleaning the teeth.

事实上,如果整套诗篇真正起到指导作用的话,大多数祷告都不能被冠以赞美之名。In fact, most prayers, if the Psalter is a true guide, are not.

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整个网页没有整套的字体,而是只有一种字体。Not just an overall font style for the whole page but ONE font.

在整套剧集完结前,四只脚趾像会得到解释。The four- Toed statue WILL be explained before the series ends.

拥有整套世界先进铸铜转子压铸生产系统技术。YCD is being engaged in industrialization of copper motor rotor.

过去,针对每颗卫星都开发了整套新软件。In the past entirely new software was developed for each satellite.

我们几乎重做了整套房子,从地板到园艺到衣橱。We basically redid the entire thing, from the floors to landscaping.

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整套纪念章以有机玻璃牌进行装祯。The entire set of medallions is furnished with an organic glass plate.

这种设计最适宜于展示产品信息和整套作品组合。This design is best for displaying product information and portfolios.

请确实在贵方的汇票上,附上整套装船文件。Please be sure to attach a full sel of shipping documents to your draft.