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他望着园里的那个人一径走去。He walked straight up to the man whom he saw in the garden.

地板和护壁板都是白色大理石的,由于常常擦,一径都光耀夺目。Both floor and wainscot were of white marble, kept shiny by frequent polishing.

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它三面环海一径南通,为我国最大、世界最典型的陆连岛。It is surrounded on three sides by the sea, Nantong, China's largest, the world's most typical tombolo.

随后,他突然转身过来,背对着那条板凳以及白先生和他的女儿,一径回家去了。Then he turned abruptly in the direction opposite to the bench,to M. Leblanc and his daughter, and went home.

随后,他忽然转身过来,背对着那条板凳以及白先生和他的女儿,一径回家往了。Then he turned abruptly in the direction opposite to the bench, to M. Leblanc and his daughter, and went home.

那天晚上,他就一径冥想这件事,那时月亮用着一种盛旺的肉感的光辉照在地上。To-night he was brooding over this, the moon shining down into the grounds with an exuberant , sensuous luster.

这样的,他们一天天捱过日子,一径巴望父亲的病好起来,玻璃工厂早些儿开工。Thus they lived from day to day, each hour hoping that the father would get well and that the glass- works would soon start up.

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介绍二轴一径和并流三套管式氨合成塔内件流程和结构,对两种内件的应用情况进行了对比。The flow sheet and structure of 2 axial and 1 radial type and paralleled triple casing pipe type inner parts of converter are introduced.

“现在你已然结过婚了,”她大胆说道,“我就要对你招供,我实在是一径都盼望你来向我求婚的,无奈你总不开口。”"Now that you're safely married, Lester, " she said daringly , "I'll confess to you that you were the one man I always wanted to have propose to me—and you never did.

稀奇得很,他这时候一径都想着珍妮,这不但因为他当时是在芝加哥,却也因为他精神上始终没有跟她离开过。Curiously enough, not only because he was in Chicago, but because he had never been spiritually separated from Jennie, he was thinking about her constantly at this time.

介绍二轴一径和并流三套管式氨合成塔内件流程和结构,对两种内件的应用情况进行了对比。The flow sheet and structure of 2 axial and 1 radial type and paralleled triple casing pipe type inner parts of converter are introduced. Comparison on their application is given.

如果他们不停地走进你的厨房,却只是自顾着取零食,或者更糟的,一径批评你的厨艺,那你可能就永远也做不成那顿饭。You also need support from the people around you. If they keep walking into your kitchen and helping themselves to snacks or, worse, criticising your cooking, you may never make that meal.