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你当晚就有可能丧命。You could die that night.

迟了合比完了佳/迟到合比丧命佳。Better late than the late.

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两个男人双双在决斗中丧命。The two men dueled to the death.

还有其它的方式会让你不幸丧命There were new ways to be killed.

我在这场事故中险些丧命。I was nearly killed in the accident.

尽管如此,仍有2000余人丧命。Still, more than 2, 000 people died.

曾因同伴背叛险些丧命,后为蛮幽王所救。Betrayed by his friends, nearly to death.

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打家劫舍的人往往自己丧命。Robbery always claims the life of the robber.

这一切都令我们相信抽烟会使人丧命。All these lead us to believe that smoking does kill.

在今年2月份,她就因吃下灯泡险些丧命。In February she nearly died after eating a lightbulb.

如果阿基里斯还有一个愿望的话,那就是让我丧命。And if there's one thing Achilles wants, it's me, dead.

去年,总共有576人因酒后驾车而丧命。Last year, a total of 576 people were killed due to DWI.

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有关官员说,一名塔利班武装分子在战斗中丧命。Officials say a Taliban fighter was killed in the battle.

海豹专家担心,KP2可能会让那些爱他的人丧命。Seal experts worry that KP2 risks loving people to death.

因为被鱼网缠住而丧命的海狮数量明显增加。The number of net entanglements has dramatically increased.

这次探险以惨祸告终,所有的人员都在海上丧命了。The expedition ended in tragedy, with all hands lost at sea.

单福全设计陷害,使得董邵华丧命。Chan Fuquan designs circumvent, make Dong Shaohua get killed.

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脚很快就会被冻成冰块,自己也可能会丧命。His feet would turn to ice quickly. He could freeze to death.

你父的全家丧命,都是因我的缘故。I am responsible for the death of your father's whole family.

现今,这两个女孩正全力为阻止类似的无谓丧命而奔走。Both girls are now desperate for the senseless deaths to stop.