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她从不放下她的矜持。She never drops her reserve.

矜持兴贫穷不两立。Pride does not consort with poverty.

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它失去了高贵和矜持的特性。It has lost its noble and reserved character.

她微微一笑,那天生的矜持也随之消失。She smiled and some of her natural reserve melted.

她没有彻底放弃过矜持,她从来就没彻底放松过。She didn`t abandon all reserve, she never did that.

他具有机敏,轻捷,矜持的态度。He had an incisive, quickmotioned, self-sufficient manner.

于是,她的眼神开始躲我,一时间,她蹙额皱眉,一股矜持的神情在脸上表露无遗。Her eyes avoided me and for a moment she frowned in pride.

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姊长期奔放,找不到矜持的方向。Sister long unrestrained, can not find the direction of modesty.

我和尼森聊着天,而音梦正矜持地盯着自己的南瓜汤。As Nisan and I talked, Nemutan stared demurely at her pumpkin soup.

初相识,免不了的是矜持和小心翼翼。Chu Xiangshi inevitably be reflected in the restrained and careful.

董文彬有些惊呆,他说女孩子应该矜持一些。Dong Wenbin was stunned, he said that girls should be reserved some.

女主人将生客作彼此介绍以打破矜持的气氛。The hostess broke the ice by introducing the strangers to each other.

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她们穿金戴银、身着晚礼服,矜持地坐在桌边。Draped in jewels and wearing evening gowns, they sat demurely at their tables.

我把这事说给同事听,大家都说我贱骨头,女人应该矜持才对!I put it to colleagues, everybody says I miserable, women should be reserved to!

害羞或矜持的人在社交事务中是典型的“冒险回避者”。People who are shy or reserved are archetypal “risk avoiders” in social settings.

沈括咬了一口,真甜。他矜持的笑笑,就不再动手。Chen Gua bit, really sweet. He doings with self-respect of smile, no longer start.

摒弃了皇室一贯的矜持,女王陛下显得格外高兴,以至于莫尔斯敢斗胆请求女王讲几句话。so much so that Mr Morse was emboldened to request the Queen to speak a few words.

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酸是情窦初开而内心矜持的牧羊人。Sour is the heart of shepherd, reserved and sprang inside a blossom of virgin love.

后封皮的照片是真实的我,一个抑郁寡欢、长相矜持的女性。The back photo, which is really me, is a woman who is groomed and looks in control.

我们英国人有点矜持和拘谨,有人出来搞搞气氛是件好事。We British can be a bit reserved or formal so it's good if someone can break the ice.