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英格兰是他忠心的藩属。England was his faithful tributary.

希律是一个“藩属王”,代表公元前63年入侵的罗马帝国在治理这地。Herod was a 'client' king, ruling on behalf of the Romans who had invaded in 63 BCE.

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明清时期,琉球是一个与中国关系极为密切的藩属国。In the Ming and the Qing Dynasties, Ryukyu had close vassal relationship with China.

地方自治与民族自治是藩属制度的基本特征之一。Local self-government and national autonomy are the basic features of the feudatory system.

会同四译馆还是清政府与周边藩属国贡使进行经济贸易的场所。Hui-tong-si-yi Guan was also a site for trade between Qing Dynasty and those tributary ambassadors.

辽朝与高丽的关系为境外藩属国的关系。The relationship between Liao Dynasty and Gaoli Dynasty belonged to the one of suzerain and dependency.

越南作为中国藩属国时期,中国使臣在出使越南的过程中创作了一批文集。When Vietnam was still a vassal state to China, the latter's diplomatic envoys to Vietnam compiled a number of anthologies recording their missions.

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他们领导许多次对邻国的战役,并将他们化为藩属国或者侵占他们的领土并掠夺其资源。They led numerous military campaigns to neighbouring states either to convert them into tribute states or annex their territories and capture their resources.

自秦至清,越南有约一千二百年作为中国郡县,约九百年作为中国藩属。From Qin Dynasty to Qing Dynasty, Vietnam had been one of China's counties for about one thousand and two hundred years, and a vassal state for around nine hundred years.

在某些罗马势力不易渗透的地方,地方自治政府在征服初期以藩属国的形式出现。Moreover, the number of provincial administrators remained small throughout the period of the Principate, which contributed to the existence of local autonomy in certain degree.