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10弘治即位后不久便清除了他父亲所宠幸的官员和太监。Yet, Hongzhi did away with his father’s officials and eunuchs.

论文以成化、弘治年间的茶陵派为研究对象。This dissertation is mainly studying and analyzing the Chaling school.

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初创于宋代,明代弘治年间移建西峰顶上。Start-up in the Song Dynasty, Ming Dynasty Hongzhi Xifeng built on top of years of shift.

经考证,石塔应是从其南5公里的范家屯西山迁移而来,时间在明代弘治三年。The pagoda should be immigrated from the Fanjia 5 km from its south in the three year of Hongzhi Reign.

明洪武三年至弘治五年计120多年间,实行“开中法”以解决边远地区军粮问题。Kaizhong Law war carried out in Ming Dynasty for over 120 years to guarantee the army provisions in the outlying district.

明代的成化、弘治年间,馆阁诗歌创作出现了宗宋的现象。The phenomena of following the masters of the Song Dynasty in creating poems took shape in the Ming Hanlinyuan during Chenghua and Hongzhi Years.

在明代弘治、正德时期的文学思想新变中,吴中作家表现尤其突出。In the new change of literary ideology during the reign of Hongzhi and Zhengde in Ming dynasty, the writers in lower Yangtze valley were active in particular.

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历经成化、弘治、正德、嘉靖、隆庆,共一百余年,这是明王朝由兴盛走向衰败的转折期。After Chenghua, Hongzhi, Zhengde, Jiajing, Longqing, about a hundred years in total, this is the turning point of the Ming Dynasty from prosperity to downfall.

到了成化、弘治年间,吴地作家成为茶陵派的重要组成部分,他们的创作表现出明显的地域特色。During the reign of Chenghua and Hongzhi, writers came from Wu region were important part of Chaling School and their writings embodied distinct characteristics.

杨延和历成化、弘治、正德、嘉靖四朝,并在明武宗正德年间与明世宗嘉靖初年出任内阁首辅,是嘉靖初年的元老重臣。Yang Tinghe held a post during Cheng Hua, Hong Zhi, Zheng De, Jia Jing, the four reigns of the Ming Dynasty. He was cabinet prime minister during Zheng De and the early period of Jia Jing.