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想想那些食不果腹的人吧。Think of someone who has nothing to eat.

食不果腹是许多穷人经常存在的问题。With many of the poor, hunger is a constant problem.

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全世界生活贫困、食不果腹、没有文化的人口以妇女为主。Women comprise the majority of the world's poor, unfed and unschooled.

全世界生活贫困、食不果腹、没有文化的人口仍以妇女占多数。Women still comprise the majority of the world’s poor, unfed, and unschooled.

去年,预计全球有9.25亿人食不果腹。Last year, an estimated 925,000,000 people worldwide did not get enough to eat.

这么小的猫,体质又弱,即使有猫妈的照顾,在食不果腹、风吹雨淋的自然环境里也很难成活。If we release them, the weak kittens are hard to survive without mother cat's care.

一年四季衣不蔽体、食不果腹,在生活的苦海里挣扎。Clothing throughout the year not Biti, the hungry, in the life of Oliver, struggling.

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纵使是食不果腹,衣不蔽体,他们也心满意足。They feel fully satisfied even if they have to eat little food and wear shabby clothes.

由于受到侵略,家庭破产,奥黛丽经常食不果腹,营养不良。She was hungry and malnourished, as her family was bankrupted as a result of the invasion.

在我们现在所站立的街道上当时满是食不果腹、衣不御寒的人们。The streets where we stand were filled with hungry families who had no comfort from the cold.

然而联合国数据显示,世界上有8亿人仍食不果腹,每晚饿着肚子睡觉。Yet almost 800 million people worldwide go to bed hungry every night, according to UN figures.

如果你折断颈骨,如果你食不果腹,如果房宅失火,那么,你有麻烦了。If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire, then you got a problem.

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联合国粮农组织说,在撒哈拉以南的非洲地区,每三个人中就有一人今年会继续食不果腹。The FAO said one out of three people in sub-Saharan Africa would continue to be undernourished this year.

雄蜂有时候会被欺负,食不果腹,出生后不久被雌蜂赶出蜂巢觅食。They're sometimes bitten, fed scraps, and chased out of the home for good by their sisters not long after they're born.

可能不再需要全方面的人道救助,但等待这些灾民的可能是长期的无止尽的食不果腹。There may be no full-scale humanitarian emergencies any more, but people are left in a perpetual state of chronic hunger.

对于一个衣不蔽体,食不果腹的人来说,有更多的钱,自然能让他赤贫的生活有所改善。If one is in abject poverty, and can barely afford food and shelter, there is no question that more money will make things better.

他风餐露宿,食不果腹,夜晚睡在公园的滑梯上,白天四处游荡寻找食物。His endure the hardships of an arduous journey, feed not satiety, night sleeps on the slide of the park, loaf about everywhere by day seek food.

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不要告诉我,你一定要得到这份工作,不然你就要失去你的房子,你的孩子会食不果腹,你的母亲得了癌症等等。Don't ever tell me that you have to have this job because you're going to lose your house, your kids have nothing to eat, your mother has cancer.

事实上,他们把自己的孩子推入了一种食不果腹,被迫接受超长训练并遭受毒打的生活。In reality, they were handing over their children to a life of malnourishment, harsh training schedules and vicious beatings by the circus staff.

这期间母狐和幼仔的食物全部由公狐供给,公狐即使自己食不果腹,也绝不让母狐和幼仔受饿。During this period the mother and baby food Fox all from the Fox supply, even if their hungry public Fox, Fox will not let the mother and the baby hungry.