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这简直是疯人院。This is a madhouse.

这是那家疯人院。This is the house of Bedlam.

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老兄!你这旅店简直象疯人院。Your inn's a mad-house, man.

他们把玛丽送到疯人院。They took Mary to the bughouse.

那个躺在疯人院里的人。That lies in the house of Bedlam.

他们会把我关进疯人院。They would lock me away in a madhouse.

疯人院现在叫精神病医院。Asylums are now called mental hospitals.

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他被送入疯人院治疗。He was sent to the bedlam for treatment.

他被送入疯人院治疗。He was sent to the madhouse for treatment.

于是世界变成了一个疯人院。Therefore the whole world becomes a madhouse.

古怪、危险、兴高采烈的疯人院。A tripped-out, dangerous and cheerful nuthouse.

疯人院行动已经结束!你明白吗,007?。Operation Bedlam is DEAD! Do you understand, 007?

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疯人院行动已经结束!你明白吗,007?Operation Bedlam is DEAD! Do you understand, 007?

疯人院行动已经竣事!你明白吗,007?Operation Bedlam is DEBD! Do you understand, 007?

疯人院势必会带给你一个惊悚的夜晚。Bedlam is bound to bring a shiver to your evenings.

疯人院行动已经结束!你明白吗,007?Operation nuthouse is DEAD! Do you understand, 007?

它像是疯人院和棉纺织厂的混合体。It resembled a cross between a lunatic asylum and a cotton mill.

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这些药能把我妹妹送进疯人院。Those pills are all that stand between my sister and the nuthouse.

疯人院的一次闲庭漫步说明信念并不能证明一切。Acasualstroll lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.

他好似一个在疯人院里统治着一个想象王国的精神病人。He was like a lunatic reigning in a madhouse over an imaginary kingdom.