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扎实的知识,专注的用心,其在金石学的研究上成绩卓然。Solid knowledge of the intention to focus its research on epigraphy Zoran grade.

第八版采用了最新的考古和金石学研究。The eighth edition incorporates the latest archaeological and epigraphic research.

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金石学在宋代成为专门的学问,取得了很高的成就。Epigraphy became a special discipline, and made great achievement in the Song Dynasty.

元明两代是金石学发展过程中的相对衰退期。The Yuan and Ming Dynasty is a declining period in the course of the Epigraphy development.

第四部分,宏观探讨清代金石学对书法实践的影响。This part explores the influence of Epigraphy of Qing Dynasty on the practice of calligraphy.

第四部分,宏观探讨清代金石学对书法实践的影响。Part IV. This part explores the influence of Epigraphy of Qing Dynasty on the practice of calligraphy.

同时他还是一个著名的金石学家,而且他在金石学上的地位并不亚于篆刻。As well as a famous scholar in sphragistics, his status in this field no lower than that of seal carving.

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欧阳修、赵明诚为金石学的创立和发展作出了巨大贡献。Ouyang Xiu and Zhao Mingcheng have made great contribution to the foundation and development of epigraphy.

在以后的三十年中,专心致于金石学收藏和研究,成为一代金石大师。Three decades later, to concentrate on epigraphy caused by collection and study, a generation of master stone.

可是生活的艰难也迫使他转向其他研究领域,如金石学与清代兵制。But difficult life also forced him to study other research areas, such as epigraphy Military System and the Qing Dynasty.

金石学在宋代兴起并取得了丰硕的研究成果,这是中国学术史上的一个显著变化。During the academic history of China, it is a remarkable changing that epigraphy rose and developed quickly in the Song Dynasty.

治学范围包括经学、史学、诸子学、古文字学、校勘学、目录学、金石学、文献学。Scholarly research include classical studies, history, thinkers science, Paleography , collation, bibliography, epigraphy, literature studies.

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他以毕生的努力,为我国的金石学做出了卓越的贡献,赢得了国内外专家学者的敬仰。His lifelong efforts, the epigraphy of China has made outstanding contributions, won the admiration of experts and scholars at home and abroad.

他将金石学的研究与文字校勘相结合,为金石学的发展拓出了新路,也为校勘找到了一个极富于权威性的方法。He joined the study of inscriptions to emendation, thus exploited a new route for the study of inscriptions, and a authoritative method for emendation.

传统金石目录学作为中国金石学的基本组成部分,以其近千年的深厚积累,为石刻拓片书目控制提供了丰富的经验和理论借鉴价值。Being the basic part of Chinese Epigraphy, Bibliography of Epigraphy provides bibliographic control of stone rubbings abundant experience and theories for reference.

通过追溯摩崖发现经过和结合相关史料,凸显此摩崖在金石学、社会政治经济学和书法艺术上的价值和地位。Though tracing back to the discovering and using historical materials, the author discusses the cliff sculpture's value and status in epigraphy , plutonomy and calligraphy art.

伴随着宋朝社会经济文化事业高度发展,特别是金石学的发展,在当时社会出现了文物保护意识的萌芽。The people began to protect the culture relics and historic sites, along with the high development of social economy and culture, especially the development of the study on Jingshi.

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在诸多领域中,罗氏用力最著、成就最大的当属金石学,他秉承欧赵一脉,学风朴拙,治学严谨,给后人留下了宝贵的财富。In many fields, the most famous Roche force, among the greatest achievements in epigraphy, Zhao him our European network, study Simple, rigorous scholarship, to write a valuable asset.

北宋时期,疑古思潮的盛行、士大夫对金石的爱好与传拓技术的发展共同助成了金石学的兴起。During the Northern Song Dynasty, the Epigraphy had got a big development with the prevalence of doubting ancient times, the literati's hobbies on Epigraphy and the maturation of copying inscription.