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G全称的含义是成功的马球运动。Victory horse polo game V. H. P.

马球看起来很难学。Polo seems very difficult to learn.

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这里也有大象马球,But there's also elephant polo as well,

你骑马的地方还有马球,There's also polo where you ride around

这是英国马球总会目前密切关注的领域。It is an area the HPA is now looking at closely.

马球是只要你的工作确定的关闭时钟。Horseplay is OK at work as long as are off the clock.

在赛伦塞斯特公园马球俱乐部,凯特在看威廉玩马球。Kate watches William play at Cirencester Park Polo Club.

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曼尼普尔邦的英国人6,在1846年为马球订立了规则。Polo was systematized in 1846 by the British in Manipur.

起源于波斯的其他体育项目还有马球和马上枪术。Among other sports that originate in Persia are polo and jousting.

威廉被传与许多女孩子有过绯闻,她们中许多都来自马球俱乐部。William has been linked to a number of girls, many from the polo set.

也有迹象表明,马球正在发生变化,以求赢得更多观众。There are signs, too, that polo is changing to reach a wider audience.

接着他们拜访柯尔克孜族的村子,还玩了一种类似马球的游戏。Then they visit a Kyrgyz village to play a game that is similar to polo.

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我想,所有的球迷,不只是皇马球迷,都会非常欣赏那粒进球。I think all football fans, not just Real Madrid fans, would enjoy that goal.

他精通马匹的饲养及训练,在世界上的很多国家打过马球。And training polo ponies and has played in many countries all over the world.

还有一系列的,球类运动和马球的优点。And then there is a series of, the asset of every ball game and across in polo.

他的黑色高领毛衣的领比圆领要高一些,但是又比马球领低一些。His black turtleneck is studiedly more than a round neck, less than a polo neck.

在第六届国王杯大象马球锦标赛的开幕式上,人们正在观看大象游行表演。Onlookers watch an elephant parade during the opening ceremony of the competition.

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马球几乎没有什么没规则限制,这使得运动变得了喧嚣、快节奏、并充斥着频繁的暴力冲撞。And the near absence of rules encourages a rowdy, fast-paced, frequently violent clash.

焦特布尔一位年轻富有的马球玩家尼基兰德拉.辛格帮我解决了这个问题。One of Jodhpur’s gilded youths, the polo-playing Nikhilendra Singh, has solved the problem.

除了冰上马球和冰上曲棍球之外,职业运动都必须取得许可证才能在星期天进行比赛。Professional sports, except ice polo and hockey, must obtain a license to play games on Sunday.