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手痒,急于想干某事。One's fingers itch to do sth.

是手痒得想打他一个耳光。My fingers itch to box his ears.

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控制不住手痒,可以去申购新股啊!If you can't, you may invest in new stocks.

到了2013年,他又觉得手痒,想重返工作岗位。In 2013, Barton felt the itch to get back to work.

好吧,我的朋友,这不过是一时手痒要重拍而已。Well, me hearties, it's just itchin' for a remake.

在冬眠了几个月之后,他们开始手痒想行动。After hibernating for months, they are itching for action.

既然已经尝试了一下,你大概已经忍不信手痒想要安装新软件了吧。Now that you've done that, you've probably got an itch to install new apps.

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只要妻主让无双手痒的时候去赌上几把就好了。As long for the wife lord lets the time of matchless hand Yang go to wager up several pair ofs liked.

标普手痒难耐,随时准备扣下扳机,下调美国债务评级,为此美国政府官员已经着急上火了数月之久。Administration officials had stewed for months that S&P had an itchy trigger finger gunning for a downgrade.

对我而言,在线文档编辑器就象是木匠手中的砧凿——我的手痒想要工作。Buzzword to me is like I imagine a finely forged chisel is to a woodworker — my fingers just itch to get to work.

然而,中国知道,为了维护和平,乞求那些拥有大量炸弹以及手痒的美国精英是行不通的。However China knows that to safeguard peace it is no good to beg those American elite who have lots of bombs as well as rather itchy hands.

我在球场挣饭吃的日子已经结束,我现在是游乐场和市中心篮球场的常客。我还是不时觉得手痒,把球传得比暴龙队的。My true playing days are over, but now I'm a playground and city league baller. I have sick freaks and can pass the ball like Muggsy Bogues.

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事实上大家可以看到,这有颗星,这有颗星,这有颗星,其实是我手痒,这看起来像是用*围成个框,把它们包围起来,其实这是完全没有必要的。The fact that I have this star here, this star here, this star here, is really just 'cause I'm a little anal and it looks pretty to make a little box out of everything but it's not strictly necessary.