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好,我就一吐为快。All right, I'll spit it out.

逼得他无所适从,只好一吐为快。He had no choice except to spit it out.

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我早就想一吐为快,只是怕对付你这张发怒的脸。Because I couldn't tell you to your face.

妳如果有问题就告诉我,把它说出来一吐为快吧。If you have questions to ask me, say it airily.

把事情一吐为快会改善你的心情。Getting things off your chest will improve your mood.

你显然有心事,为何不一吐为快?There is mind in your heart obviously, why not say it out?

喉间硬是痒得出奇,思一吐为快。He will have a terrible itch in his throat—itch to speak out.

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我假如不将心事一吐为快就睡不着。I couldn't go to sleep without getting something off my chest.

“好吧,你显然有问题,”哈利说,“一吐为快,好不好?”"Well, you've obviously got a problem, " said Harry. "Spit it out, will you?"

人们喜欢抱怨的其中的一个原因是,倾吐之后心情会变得好些,即一吐为快。One of the reasons why people complain a lot is that it makes them feel better.

但是,他仍然是一吐为快,我倒认为他并没有真的令谁不悦。Still, he likes his opinions to be known and I don't think he really upset anyone.

这样自我审查就太苛刻了,还是把你脑子里一闪而过的想法一吐为快吧。Instead of censoring yourself too much, just spit out some of the ideas passing through your mind.

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这样的自我审查就太苛刻了,还是把你脑子里一闪而过的想法一吐为快吧。Instead of censoring yourself too much, just spit out some of the ideas passing through your mind.

只要你愿意,尽可以把那些荒诞不经的想法对心理医生一吐为快,因为聆听是他们的职责。If you’re willing, you can say the craziest things in the world to a therapist and it’s their job to listen.

无拘无束、开诚布公不就意味着一吐为快而不必担心影响自己的事业前途吗?What else does talking frankly and informally mean but an invitation to unload opinions without any career consequence ?

马美拉多夫夫人的丧餐会也是这样,人们都急于把自己的心里话说出来,所谓“一吐为快”。Funeral of Mrs. MA America Vinogradov dinner, too, people are eager to put his own mind say it, the so-called "a spit faster."

抱怨你的工作会很有趣因为这看来能让你一吐为快,但发泄你的沮丧只会让你更加愤怒。Complaining about your job can be fun because it seems cathartic, but venting your frustration will only make your anger worse.

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有难题或苦恼想跟人聊聊?想将积压心头的忧虑一吐为快?写给我吧,你们的“夏天儿姐姐”。Do you have a problem or some distress you want to chat? Have something to get off your chest? Write to me, your sister "Summer".

有难题或苦恼想跟人聊聊?想将积压心头的忧虑一吐为快?写信给我,你们的夏天儿姐姐会帮你解决你提出的任何问题。Do you have a problem or some distress you wish to chat? Have something to get off your chest? Writing to me, your sister Summer.

虽每每自相矛盾,但仍喜欢直言不讳,一吐为快,我的这种性格在办公室有时也会成为一种幽默,可以调节气氛,增添人与人之间的温情。I see irony in most things and I'm outspoken, but I bring a sense of humor to any office. I think it provides a nice balance of warmth in a work setting.