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一些干枯的动物尸骨在沙漠上变白了。A few dry bones of animals bleached on the desert sand.

再紧靠着这堵新墙,重新堆好尸骨。Against the new masonry I re-erected the old rampart of bones.

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亲爱的秃鹫,你们已经把尸骨啃食干净,赶快回家吧!"Dear vultures, you've picked the bones of the dead clean. Go home now".

科考人员在森林中发现了很多毛象的尸骨化石。The scientific investigation team found many mammoth fossils in the forest.

我把尸骨扔开,不久就掏出好些砌墙用的的石块和灰泥。Throwing them aside, I soon uncovered a quantity of building stone and mortar.

调查人员在史蒂夫。福斯的飞机残骸中发现了人的尸骨。Investigators have found human remains in the wreckage of Steve Fossett's plane.

修桥补路放三颗白豆,掩埋尸骨放两颗。Repairing bridges and roads counted three white beans and burying human bones two.

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这具男性尸骨主人大约生活在公元前2900年至公元前2500年的石器时代晚期。The skeleton of the late Stone Age man is said to date back to between 2900 and 2500 BC.

最后,阿尔萨斯把克尔苏加德的尸骨浸没在太阳之井的圣水中。Ultimately, Arthas submerged Kel'Thuzad's remains within the holy waters of the Sunwell.

所以我们现在站的地方地下埋有几百年前的尸骨。So where we are standing at the moment has got bones under it from hundreds of years ago.

马丁尼用棺椁将这位母亲的尸骨收殓,对我们说“她是个谜。”"She is a mystery, " said Martinez, who had a coffin built for the remains of the mother.

当阿芙罗狄蒂回来之后,发现她的恋人尸骨已寒,她大哭起来。When Aphrodite came back to find her lover cold in death, she burst into a passion of tears.

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最明显的应对方案是挖掘墓地并尽快焚烧尸骨。The obvious solution is to disinter the graveyards and begin burning the skeletons posthaste.

难道他俩最后要在这里迷路并在这黑夜的角落里留下两具尸骨?他一无所知。他自问但又无法自答。Should they end by both getting lost, and by furnishing two skeletons in a nook of that night?

以前我们从未发现过新石器时代的合葬尸骨,更不要说相互拥抱在一起的了。There has not been a double burial found in the Neolithic period, much less two people hugging.

很难对这些自杀式炸弹袭击者有详细的了解,因为爆炸过后,往往尸骨无存。It is difficult to learn much about suicide bombers since there is rarely anything left of them.

而另一具在其儿子的背包里发现的尸骨也可能是一位百岁老人的。The bones of another would-be centenarian, it turned out, were being stored in her son's backpack.

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四周全是尸骨,整齐的堆砌着,像木材厂的木料堆,大腿骨排列成比较整齐的骨头墙而用颅骨镶了几道边。The dead surround us, stacked like cordwood, walls of eye sockets and the scrolled ends of femurs.

堆成山的尸骨偶然没被清理干净,但是在那里却被建成了世界上最残忍的墙壁。The mountain of bones was not dumped haphazardly, but where built into the most ghoulish of walls.

这是死人尸骨铺砌的胡同,下面埋着衣衫褴楼、歪七扭八、互相搂抱在一起的死人,还有沙丁鱼骨制成的脊骨。A lane of dead bones, of crooked, cringing figures buried in shrouds. Spines made of sardine bones.