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没有人能谅解我。No one understands me.

希望大家谅解一下,嘿嘿。Hope you understand what, hehe.

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外伤比内伤更容易得到谅解。An injury is forgiven more easily

他们之间已经取得了谅解。They have settled with each other.

如果你不能做这件事,我可以谅解。If you cannot do it, I will understand.

我们对他的无知必须谅解。We must make allowances for his ignorance.

真对不起,但也希望您能谅解我的难处。I'm really sorry, but you see my difficulty.

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有关各方已经达成谅解。The parties concerned have come to accommodation.

事后,郭军向鲍某赔礼道歉,得到了谅解。Later, Guo Bao an apology to get an understanding.

一切试图达成谅解的努力都失败了。All efforts to arrive at an understanding have failed.

我提出把双方的谅解敲死。I suggested that we tie down the understandings firmly.

本站正在全新改版中,给您带来不便敬请谅解!This site is under construction. Please re-visit later!

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我熬煎了你32年,我没有办法谅解自己。I tortured you for 32 years, and I can"t forgive myself."

他情急之下说错了话,你应该谅解他。You should forgive him for saying that, he was too eager.

谅解备忘录或协议的文本。The text of the memorandums of understanding or agreements.

她也许给老友解释夕日的口角,请求对方的谅解。She might call old friends to make peace over past quarrels.

因为是手工测量,所以有可能有1-2CM的误差,敬请谅解!Please allow 1-2CM differs due to manual measurement, thanks!

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我们再次表示深深的歉意,望能谅解和支持。We deeply apologize again, hope to understanding and support.

选举协定不会起作用,但是政府间的谅解也许可以。Electoral pacts would not work, but an entente cordiale might.

老是在喝醉后给你打德律风,让你悲伤忧伤,是我欠好。谅解我好吗?Always drunk to call you, let you sad, I was not good. Forgive me?