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方兴玉是不会在湿热的夏天做毛豆腐的。Fang will not make hairy tofu in the sultry summer.

具有良好的耐酸、堿、盐雾和湿热性能。Has good acid, alkali, salt spray and heat performance.

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探讨温病湿热证病邪易滞留气分,缠绵难愈的病理机制。To explore the mechanism of fever in damp- heat syndrome.

秋天,空气使人神清气爽,夏季的湿热正渐渐退去。Autumn. The air is light and summer`s humid heat is fading.

漫漫长夜,湿热难熬,辗转反侧,无法入眠。I turned and tossed ceaselessly through the long sticky night.

善清下焦湿热实火,为治疗下焦湿热诸证所常用。Indicated for various damp-heat syndromes of the lower energizer.

这时天气湿热难耐,就连衣服也变成了一种负担。The weather is hot and sticky and clothing becomes an imposition.

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使用湿热空气可能有所帮助。It's certainly possible that using warm humidified air would help.

较硬的牛肉块可通过湿热的方法予以软化。Less tender cuts of meat are tenderized by cooking with moist heat.

刘渡舟临床常将湿热痹分为三型三期。The damp-heat Bi syndrome were divided into three types and three stages.

提示湿热环境是引起湿温病的部分病理机制。It is concluded that damp-heat environment may result in damp-warm disorders.

泪,无声的滑落,湿热着冰冷的脸颊,就这样,在风中,在雨中。Tears, silent slide, damp heat with cold cheeks, so, in the wind, in the rain.

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曾对此套作了耐候、耐湿热、耐盐雾、抑真菌、存放等性能实验。Moisture and temperature test, Salt spraying test, Fungus test and Storing test.

如果发黄的话,说明湿热,如果发白则说明受寒。If yellow, it indicates that hot and humid , if white is illustrated in catch cold.

强调标本结合,注重标实的清除,善于通达气滞、湿热、瘀血。Meanwhile, he also stresses the removal of qi stagnation, damp heat and blood stasis.

比如对供应商XXXX提供麻纤维板的抗湿热循环要求。Such as the requirement of anti wet and heat cycle for fibriia sheet to supplier XXXX.

最大湿热应力是单纯考虑热应力的情况1.66倍左右。The maximum hygrothermal stress is about 1.66 times compared with single thermal stress.

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而湿热也是影响人体内嘌呤代谢紊乱的根本因素。Also the dampness and heat can cause the disorder of the purine metabolism in human body.

是治疗肝郁脾虚夹湿热型酒精性脂肪肝理想药物。So it goes to show that "Hugan dripping pill" is an ideal medicine for treating the AFLD.

红土是在亚热带、热带湿热气候条件下风化形成的一类区域性残积土。Laterine is a weathering and leaching residual soil under sub-tropical and tropical climate.