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我已经获得了微软系统工程师认证。I have got MCSE certified.

目前已经通过3C认证。Has passed 3C certification.

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谁可以成为WQA认证?Who can become WQA-certified?

您的公司是否通过ISO认证?。Is your company ISO-certified?

这是一个认证基准吗?Was this a certified benchmark?

精英认证之一。One of the elite certifications.

什么是代销商认证?What is Affiliate Certification?

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完成认证过程。Finish the credentialing process.

为什么穿斯内尔认证的头盔?Why wear Snell-certified helmets?

经过俄勒冈州有机认证。Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth.

微软认证有用吗?Does Microsoft Certifications help?

但是,只有一半的认证油品售出。However only half of that was sold.

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他们出售UL认证袋有没有遮光罩。They sell UL bags there with no hood.

首次申请CCEE长城认证。First applied the certificate of CCEE.

为什么斯内尔认证的头盔比较贵吗?Why Snell-certified helmets cost more?

公司已取得国际ISO9001认证。We are an ISO9001 certificated company.

他是经过严格训练的EMT救护专家并得到了国际潜水认证。He is a trained EMT and scuba certified.

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不能用USDA印章或认证标志。No use of USDA seal or certifier's logo.

认证和授权安全。Authentication and Authorization security.

他们没有权利去认证遗嘱。They're not empowered to probate the will.