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温哥华市面积更小但同样名闻遐迩。Smaller in size, but equally famous, is the city of Vancouver.

“萧山萝卜干”,浙江名产,因其品质超群而名闻遐迩。Xiaoshan Dried Turnip is a famous specialty in Zhejiang Province.

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但让长江名闻遐迩的是三峡美景。But what made the Yangtze legendary was the beauty of the Three Gorges.

它们因其美丽的湛蓝海水和可爱的海边小城而名闻遐迩。They are known for their beautiful blue waters and lovely seaside towns.

在莲花峰,还能看到一些名闻遐迩的松树,如“飞龙松”和“双龙松”。Famous pine tree such as the“Flying Dragon” and the“Twin Dragons”are found there.

毫不奇怪,这个地方作为世界上最好的观鲸点而名闻遐迩。No wonder this is renowned as one of the world's finest locations for whale-watching.

特别是崧泽遗迹、古镇朱家角更是名闻遐迩。Particularly, the ancient town of Zhujiajiao is well known for their enchanting relics.

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现在,台北因制造各种计算机所需的半导体而名闻遐迩。Now, Taipei is known for producing semi-conductors, a necessary part in all kinds of computers.

那天他走到蓼水河边,正巧碰上了名闻遐迩的智者无名人先生。The day when he walked beside Liao Shui River, he happened to meet the widely renowned sage – Mr.

结果,当名闻遐迩的“降旗仪式”进行时,我正在和官衙门打交道。As a result I was still dealing with bureaucracy during the famous "lowering of the flags" ceremony.

萨克勒美术馆展出的一个华丽的军刀刀刃上用阿拉伯语刻着“拥有这把刀的主人将名闻遐迩”。One splendid saber blade on exhibit at the Sackler bears the Arabic inscription “The owner will become famous.”

这座城堡之所以名闻遐迩,却是因该曾经的两位主人——苏格兰国王麦克白与幼年时的伊丽莎白女王。This is Glamis Castle. It is frequently remembered to be the residence of Lord Macbeth or Queen Elizabeth in IT kidhood.

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这座城堡之所以名闻遐迩,却是因为曾经的两位主人人——苏格兰国王麦克白与幼年时的伊丽莎白女王。This is Glamis Castle. It is often remembered for being the residence of King Macbeth and Queen Elizabeth in her childhood.

殖民地的上海因其历史建筑而名闻遐迩,但是今天的上海却代表了一个非常现代化的中国。The colonial Chinese city is feted for its historical architecture, but the Shanghai of today is emblematic of a very modern

吉州窑是江南地区一座名闻遐迩的综合性民窑,产品具有浓厚的地方特色和民族艺术色彩。Jizhou kiln area south of the Yangtze River is a comprehensive kilns installment, which produces products of strong local flavor and color art.

黄瓜宴,是河北省石家庄市燕春饭店的厨师,根据一则历史传说而创制的,现已是名闻遐迩的当地特色菜。Cucumber feast is in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Yanchun hotel chefs, according to a historical legend and creation, and now is the famous local specialty.

莫斯科是个有许多公园、博物馆与购物区的美丽城市,当然,还能常常去名闻遐迩的「波修瓦剧院」欣赏美妙音乐。Moscow is a beautiful city with many parks, museums, shopping areas, and of course, opportunities for wonderful music at the famed Bolshoi Theater.

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到了清代嘉庆时期,中国的鼻烟壶曾经作为国与邦交流的最珍贵礼品又传播到海外,名闻遐迩。Jiaqing period to the Qing Dynasty, Chinese snuff bottles served as a state-of the most precious gift exchange also spread to overseas, Hidden Dragon.

美丽的的海滨城市秦皇岛不仅是旅游胜地,同时作为我国近代玻璃工业的发祥地更以其“玻璃城”的美誉而名闻遐迩。Qinhuangdao , a beautiful seaside city , is both a tourist resort and a "cradle" of domestic modern glass industry , well-known far and near for its reputation of "glass city".

「在捷克共和国,跳舞课被视为基本的社会教育,」主持布拉格名闻遐迩的威隆拉第舞蹈学校25年的夏拉多瓦说。"In the Czech Republic, dancing lessons are perceived as elementary social education, " said Ruzena Chladova, who has been in charge of the prestigious Vinohrady school for 25 years.