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棉花纱多臂机的套印。Cotton voile dobby with overprint.

多次套印废品率高,色彩偏差大。High reject rate, Large color deviation.

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多次套印废品率高,色彩偏差大。Overprints, High reject rate, Large coldeviation.

多次套印废品率高,色彩偏差大。Overprints, High reject rate, Large color deviation.

在很多情况下,使用的是特殊信封和套印邮票。In many cases special envelopes or overprinted postage stamps were used.

套印箔使真正意义上醒目在销售点的功能。Overprinting foils makes for truly eye-catching features at the point of sale.

设有精确的侧规、前规定位机构,即使不规则纸也能套印准确。It has an side guide and back guide, even anomalistic paper could be accurate fixed printing.

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副本与原件一样,只有一份,套印无效。有效期至。This copy is the same as the original one only for file. Overprinting is invalid. Valid to XX.

印刷机递纸机构是保证承印物套印准确的关键部件。Paper-feeding mechanism of printing press is the key part to ensure the accuracy in registration.

印刷过程中,张力变化范围小,套印精度就容易控制。Printing process in tension variety the scope may be small, the set print accuracy easily controlled.

各个工位可单独调效位置,以获得良好的套印精度。The position of each station can be adjusted alone, in order to obtain good chromatography precision.

在此基础上,还提出了在彩色套印中实现实时位置检测的建议。In addition, this article has also suggested realizing on-line position detecting in process printing.

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彩色印刷过程中,人工检测套印误差是一项费时且低效的工作。In color printing, detecting printing registration deviation by man is time-consuming and inefficient.

还有其他规格的技术符号,和一个额外的颜色套印符号。There are additional specifications for technical symbols, and an extra colour for overprinting symbols.

武强年画全部为手工工艺,制作采用木版水色套印而成。All the Wuqiang New Year Woodblock Engravings, a type of watercolor block printing, belong to handicrafts.

平不本的制卡和会员卡制作境况不对套印的稳定性感化很不小。The cursor business card printing and membership card production status on the stability of the overprinter.

套印技术在明代有长足进展。图为明版的双色套印善本。A precious two colored book from the Ming dynasty, when block- printing technology was making great advances.

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经过计算色标质心间横向和纵向距离得到印刷套印偏差参数。The distances between color-block centers were computed to derive printing registration deviation parameters.

为了精确检测套印偏差,提出一种基于数学形态学的偏差自动检测算法。In order to get the precise overprint error, a new detection algorithm based on mathematical morphology was proposed.

印制时采用版套印,先色版后黑线条版,画面效果十分明朗。Overprinting is used by applying color engravings and ink line engravings successively to provide a compelling effect.