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这名士兵光荣退伍了。The soldier was honorably discharged.

我女亲便是第一次天下除夜战的退伍甲士。My father was a veteran of World War I.

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安置退伍老兵的资金几乎倍增。Funding for our veterans has nearly doubled.

其他的退伍女兵则没有这么容易。For other female veterans, it is not so easy.

我们需要一个能够保障退伍老兵福利的政府。We need garanteed funding for the veteran's administration.

索尔兹是一名从伊拉克战场退伍的老兵,他也是“老兵投票”网站的负责人。John Soltz is an Iraq war veteran who heads the

他的军人生涯升至准将,随后在1966年退伍。He became a brigadier general before leaving the military in 1966.

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而从明天起则是离孔侑退伍还有200天。Tomorrow will also be just 200 days left till Ggong finish his MS.

索姆河战役中最后的一个英国退伍老兵死于2005-年,享年108岁。The last British veteran of the Somme battle died in 2005, aged 108.

当我不服现役的时候就转作后备军,并且于1972年退伍。When I was deactivated, I went to reserve status and retired in 1972.

比如一个退伍士兵淹死了妻子的狗,然后又在浴缸里淹死了自己的妻子。One vet has drowned his wife's dog, and later drowns her in a bathtub.

他于1996年加入海军,2000年作为一等兵退伍。He joined the Marines in 1996, and retired in 2000 as a lance corporal.

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他很快就被检查出有心脏疾病,并于1897年被迫退伍。He was soon diagnosed with a heart ailment and forced to withdraw in 1897.

这位少校不久前已经退伍,住在上诺伍德。The major had retired some little time before, and lived at Upper Norwood.

他们本应该做的最后一件事站好最后一班岗退伍后有一份工作。The last thing they should have to do is fight for a job when they get home.

那位退伍的军人过了一定时期才适应平民生活。It took the demobilized soldier some time to adjust himself to civilian life.

当郑光日被逮捕的时候,这位朝鲜退伍老兵的体重是75公斤。When he was arrested, Jung, a former North Korean army veteran, weighed 75kg.

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佑挹一次天下除夜战的退伍甲士们主办此次怀念典礼,那令我也非常傲慢。I'm also proud that the veterans of World War I are sponsoring this observance.

在教堂大门外,有来自英国军团的退伍老兵组成的仪仗队。Outside the church door, veterans from the British Legion form a guard of honor.

退伍后他相当一段时间找不到自我,直到父亲将其赶出家门。After he was quite a period of time to find self, until the father to be evicted.