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她反是人的老师。She is none other than my teacher.

司提反是希伯来语还是亚拉姆语名字?Hmmm.Stephen,is that a good Hebrew or Aramaic name?

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显著的失败的结果,反是希奇的胜利。This apparent defeat resulted in a marvelous victory.

显著的失败结果,反是稀奇的胜利。This apparent defeat resulted in a miraculous victory.

反是第六感觉不断提升呢?Anti- is does the sixth sense feel continuously promote?

大家皆知讲,但这节经文告诉我们,爱当编反是惧怕。But this verse tells us that the opposite of love is fear.

能为你们工做,反是我所逃求的那类挑和。Working for you would be exactly the sort of challenge I am looking for.

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郑宏岑,反是不思去后悔,而是为前进铺路。Covariates Zheng Hong cen, not to regret, but paves the way for progress.

司提反是以智慧和圣灵说话,众人敌挡不住。And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake.

对象化与异化的二律背反是历史之谜。The paradox of objectification and differentiation is the historical mystery.

我方反是,我之优点可因我之努力而加强,缺点则因我之努力而克服。On the other hand, our advantages can be enhanced and our shortcoming remedied by our efforts.

只要你读完第七章全章,你便会发现司提反是如何的熟悉圣经。If you were to read the rest of chapter seven, you would discover how wonderfully Stephen knew his Bible.

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在这部影片中,条件艰苦的锡安是现实世界,而“母体”中愉快舒适的世界反是梦中的幻觉。Technically, in this case, Zion is reality while the pleasant world of The Matrix is a dream or false vision.

司提反是当地最初信主,也是保罗亲自替他施洗的信徒之一。Stephanas is mentioned as being one of the earliest converts in the area, and as one of the ones baptised by Paul.

这主有信也是这样。现实上,下一段可以成坐的理由,反是在于小少数读者不置信这一面,至多不会在行为上理论。In fact, what makes the preceding paragraph true is that most readers won't believe it―at least to the extent of acting on it.

特别的苦难,不一定是特别的罪恶的刑罚,有时候反是特别的祝福。Extraordinary afflictions are not always the punishment of extraordinary sins, but sometimes the trial of extraordinary graces.

这种反是拒绝,并不得具有约束力,除非买方明确书面接受有关人员的买主。Such counter offer is rejected by and shall not be binding upon buyer unless specifically accepted in writing by an officer of buyer.

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一个恶意软件5.0的新功能的反是一个文件看守,扫描,文件时,下载或访问的进步,将产品交给一个完整的反病毒系统。A new feature of Anti-Malware 5.0 is a file guard that scans files when they are downloaded or accessed, which advances the product to a full anti-virus system.