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他可能被大雾外教口语陪练所耽误了。He ean have been delayed by fog.

它可是我的外教老师摩西取的。It is my foreign teacher Moses to take.

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去伦敦的火车票票外教口语陪练价多少?How much does the ticket to London cost?

你能告诉我到月台外教口语陪练怎么走吗?Could you tell me how to go to the platform?

查看一对一外教辅导的工作流程。See-one foreign teacher counseling workflow.

找好外教,学习快乐。免费试讲。Find a good teacher, learning fun. Free Trial.

外教是我们生活中一个特别的存在。ESL L teacher is a very special existence in our life.

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说道这个象声词。我们的外教发的那个音。Words that imitate sounds are called onomatopoeic words.

最后,感谢所有工作人员、外教,感谢所有同仁。Finally, I'dlike to say thank you to all of my colleagues.

我院外教访问顾史学家炎武先生故居。Foreign teachers visit the Historian, Mr. Gu Yanwu's home.

我就有一个非常不错的外教。I have a very gorgeousforeign tutor, who is a great giver.

学校是否取得聘请外教资格证?Is the school SAFEA authorised to employ foreign teachers?

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学校是否取得聘请外教资格证?Is the school SAFEA authorized to employ foreign teachers?

您为什么远渡重洋来中国做一名外教?您觉得中国的工作和生活怎么样?Why do you come from such a long distance to work in China?

查看请住家式外教的具体流程。Home-style foreign teachers please see the specific process.

我看到贵厂大多数的车间有高度外教英语口语培训自动化水平。I see most of the shops are highly automated in the factory.

最后外教给所有的获奖者颁发了奖品。At last the foreign teacher awarded the prize to the winners.

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每到此时,都能看到外教赞许的浅笑。Every at this time, all can see foreign teachers praise smile.

我是这里新的外教老师,在此请让我大致介绍自己一下。Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Stuart Emmerson.

花时间去和你的上司,同事交谈,听听他们的想法外教英语口语培训。Take time to listen and talk with your co-workers and supervisor.