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他可能会接受缓期起诉,类似于以观后效的查看,也相当于悬在伊森头顶的一把利剑。Kind of a quiet probation. Sword over Ethan’s head.

他被判处死刑但被总统下令缓期执行。He was sentenced to death but was reprieved by the president.

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鉴于被告的年龄,治安法官给他缓期处刑。In view of the age of the accused the magistrate give him a suspend sentence.

政。府。给予她们缓期一年的判决并告诉她们要遵守“有关规定”。It gave them a one-year suspended sentence and told them to abide by "relevant rules".

兰迪斯试图不出庭,但仍被判处了一年有期徒刑,缓期执行。Landis, who was tried in his absence, was given a suspended sentence of a year in jail.

上月,这名女子被判60天的有期徒刑,因自身原因缓期三年执行。Last month the woman got 60 days behind bars, 3 years probation for her McNugget meltdown.

30岁的沙曼萨.格瑞克斯蒂因亲吻16岁男孩被判刑3个月缓期执行。Loses her job. Samantha Grixti, 30, is given three months, suspended, for kissing boy of 16.

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为了改造那些犯有死罪但还有可能改造的罪犯,中国独创了判处死刑缓期二年执行的制度。Be reformable , China has created a unique system of a death penalty with a two-year reprieve.

死缓轨制即死刑缓期两年执行的轨制,是本人国的一项共同的科罚轨制。Death sentence with a reprieve system is commuted two years system, is a unique system of punishment.

死刑缓期执行的,可以由高级人民法院判决或者核准。Death sentences with a suspension of execution may be decided or approved by a higher People’s court.

如果太阳这么想扔下我们不管,每天清晨它的返回都是一种缓期执行,是一件我们不配得到的礼物。If the Sun so willingly leaves us, each morning it returns is a stay of execution, an undeserved gift.

2008年,韩国女星玉素利因通奸罪被判8个月监禁,缓期两年执行。Famous actress Ok So-ri was sentenced to 8 months in prison with 2 years' probation for adultery in 2008.

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16日,三星前会长李健熙因逃税被判3年监禁缓期执行。Former Samsung Group chief Lee Kun-hee was handed a 3-year suspended jail sentence Wednesday for tax evasion.

考虑到被告的年龄,法院决定给他缓期处刑。Having taken the age of the accused into consideration, the court has decided to give him a suspended sentence.

还有一人,高俊杰被判死刑,缓期两年执行,意味着他可以不被处死。A third man, Gao Junjie, received the death penalty with a two-year reprieve, meaning he could be spared execution.

当地法院判决赵作海死刑缓期两年执行,后来被改判为无期徒刑。A local court sentenced the farmer to death with a two-year reprieve. That ruling was later changed to life in prison.

凯文最终被判入狱,缓期执行,他需服务社区,归还窃款并接受心理辅导。He was sentenced to time served, probation, community service, and ordered to make restitution and undergo counseling.

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1982年,被缓期执行,此后金正日离开美国继续他的亲民主活动。In 1982, the sentence was suspended, after which Kim left for the United States and continued his pro-democracy activities.

九名男子已经被判处死刑,其他3人被判死刑,缓期两年执行,一人被判终身监禁。Nine men have already been sentenced to death, three others to death with a two-year reprieve, and one to life imprisonment.

官方的新华社称,北京一家法院周一判处刘志军死刑缓期两年执行。The official Xinhua News Agency said Liu Zhijun was sentenced to death with a two-year reprieve by a court in Beijing on Monday.