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西安府西门外的牌楼。Arches outside the east gate of Sianfu.

在这附近可看到漂亮的牌楼。The beautiful gate below can be seen nearby.

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牌楼上有汉字题字。The inscription seems to have been worn away.

每一个城楼,每一个牌楼,都可以从老远就看见。We can see each building from a far distance.

英国华人的集团回忆,我会选唐人街的牌楼。I would vote for wong kee restaurant for collective memories.

春节,村子里搭起了高高的彩牌楼。The villagers put up a tall archway to celebrate Spring Festival.

我们将连夜施工,修起一个围挡将牌楼圈起来。We will work into the night to erect a barrier around the archway.

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每一个城楼,每一个牌楼,都可以从老远就看见。Every city gate tower and decorated archway can be seen from a distance.

最有趣的装饰是发现雕刻的柱子和一个石头牌楼。The most interesting ornamentation is found on a frieze and an arch-stone.

这个地区包括三座中式牌楼、只石狮和一座宝塔。The area consists of three Chinese-style arches, a stone lion and a pagoda.

该坊形制为四柱三门三重檐、三开间牌楼坊。There are four column, three gates, three brims , three openings in the archway.

岱宗坊是一座流传有许多美丽的神话的四柱三间式古代牌楼。Daizongfang is a popular myth has many beautiful four-poster style three ancient archway.

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全福路南端的新老镇区交界处,矗立着一座仿古牌楼。In the south of Quanfu road where the new and old township border lied , stands a archaize arched.

石雕走廊、石亭子,与石雕牌坊、浮雕、九龙壁、石雕牌楼构成。Stone corridor, stone pavilion, and stone arch, anaglyph, the nine-dragon screen, stone archway constitutes.

大三巴牌楼带有非常典型的西方宗教意味,而葡京大酒店却是一座著名的赌城。Ruins of arch with a very typical Western religious flavor, while the Grand Lisboa Hotel is a well-known casino.

那周庄的牌楼似乎也很魁伟地立在入口处。The decorated archway of village ZhouZhuang seems to stand at the entrance of the attraction as well as my mind.

本文针对一个特定的贯流式水电站工程……牌楼水电站的枢纽布置进行了设计优化研究。In this paper the optimal design of the hydro-junction of Pailou tubular turbine hydropower station has been studied.

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北京内城的跨街牌楼首当其冲成为城市近代化建设中矛盾的焦点。During that time, the street archways of inward city became the core of contradiction because of the city modernization.

乘客您好,欢迎乘坐成都地铁7号线,本次列车为内环形线,开往火车南站、红牌楼南方向。Welcome to Chengdu Metro Line. 7, this is an inner loop line train bound for South Railway Station and Hongpailou South.

那是一条步行街,街上有香港商界捐献的我国式牌楼,还有传统的狮子雕像和纪念碑。A pedestrian street has Chinese gateways given by the Hong Kong business community, plus traditional lion statues and a monument.