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第一个在获奖感言中“感谢母亲”的演员——葛丽·嘉逊。The first person to thank her mother.

不能用盖尔语发表获奖感言我真是遗憾啊。I'm really sad I couldn't give a speech in Gaelic.

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无法联系到威廉姆森就此发表获奖感言。Williamson was not available to comment on his award.

我只是感到伤心不能用苏格兰语发表感言。I'm just really sad I couldn't give my speech in Gaelic.

利用公众人物、幸福个人或家庭的感言吸引求职者Rely on testimonials depicting attractive, happy people or families

有些人喜欢在获奖时发表一个深情的获奖感言。Some people like to make a gushy acceptance speech when they win awards.

维奥拉·戴维斯刚刚凭这番获奖感言赢得了艾美奖提名,真的太精彩了。Viola Davis just got nominated for an Emmy for that speech, it was so good.

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第一篇总是不知从何写起,或许别人会对自己的第一篇感言感慨万千。I don't know how to start my first blog, maybe other people has a lot to say.

中华慈善总会范宝俊会长发表访问感言。Mr. Fan, the President of China Charity Federation, delivered a speech on the visit.

所以,出于这些理由,我们认为这句‘诗言’完全是自发的感言。So it's for all those reasons that we think this is a completely spontaneous speech.

获奖者的机会比一场震撼的获奖感言的机会都小。Chances are, the recipients of these awards give less than thrilling acceptance speeches.

她在柏林基民盟总部向支持者发表感言时,赢得阵阵欢呼。She was greeted with cheers as she addressed supporters at the CDU headquarters in Berlin.

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以上就是我的感言全文。当时如果有五分钟的话,我一定会完完整整地说清楚讲明白。Well, there you have my full speech. That's what I would have said if I had had 5 minutes!

获奖嘉宾登台领奖,并发表获奖感言。发言时间为五分钟。Award recipient to receive the award on stage and deliver a five-minute thoughts of winning.

在希拉里的胜利感言中她提到,奥巴马在宾州花的竞选经费要比她多多了。这是事实。In her victory speech Mrs Clinton noted that Mr Obama had heavily outspent her in the state.

他在奥斯卡的获奖感言是今年颁奖盛典上最值得记忆的时刻之一。His Oscar performance and acceptance speech was one of the most memorable at this year's awards.

写下你朋友们说的话,收集所有表示“感谢”的邮件,在网站上面写下客户的感言,让全世界的人都看到。Save all those “thank you” emails. Post your testimonials on your website for the world to read.

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我母亲80岁生日时,我们人人发表感言,并录像制成DVD。On my mom’s 80th birthday, our family gave personal testimonies that we taped and made into a DVD.

“哦,上帝,”女孩惊叹道,这句话也是我在余下的旅程中的唯一感言。“Oh, my goodness!” gasps the girl, which neatly sums up my sentiments for the rest of our journey.

这次,梅丽莎•莱昂在发表获奖感言时爆出粗口实属奥斯卡历史上的第一次。This time, Melissa Leo’s use of the F-word during her acceptance speech was the first in Oscar history.