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是婚丧喜庆的公用场所。Is events like weddings or public place.

在喜庆的日子里,人们身著盛装。People are well dressed on red-letter day.

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在喜庆的日子里,人们身着盛装。People are well dressed on red-letter days.

是聚会、喜筵、喜庆的理想之处。Is gathering Xiyan, the ideal of jubilation.

宽扎节既是喜庆的时刻,又是学习的机会。Kwanzaa is a time for learning as well as joy.

过节的时候这里总是很喜庆。Yeah, it's really festive around the holidays.

当然。这是中国结,它是喜庆的象征。Sure. It's a China Bond, a symbol of happiness.

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喜庆笑容挂眉梢。Brow tip celebrating smiling expression hanging.

他们走家串户,互相祝福,好不喜庆。They door-to-door, bless muntally, very festive.

家族中的婚丧喜庆也都是在这举行的。Anything will be held by whole family in this place.

因为宽扎节是一个感悟和喜庆的时刻。Since Kwanzaa is a time for learning as well as joy.

中间是祖堂,是婚丧喜庆的公用场所。Tongs in the middle is the common places of weddings.

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整体立体感强、喜庆气氛浓。Overall three-dimensional sense of strong, happy mood.

其主题图案采用红色,象征喜庆吉祥。Its theme adopts red color to symbolize auspiciousness.

喜庆的彩纸已经挂在天花板上。Festive paper decorations had been hung from the ceiling.

中国结是中国传统的喜庆结。The Chinese knot is the Chinese tradition jubilation knot.

四喜丸子,代表团圆和喜庆。Four meat balls, standing for the festivity and family union.

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取材于吉祥喜庆的喜鹊和形态饱满的柿子。Watership auspicious festive magpie and form full of persimmon.

年夜饭是春节家人团聚的重头戏,精心设计的瑶池年夜饭将喜庆带上餐桌!Chinese New Year's Eve is a time of family reunion and feasting.

过年的炮仗元宵的灯喜庆余韵又欢腾。New Year fireworks lamp yuanxiao festival finish and exultation.