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它是一个陆海复合国家。It is a land-sea power.

我们陆海军的官兵们!Men of our Army and Navy!

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我们应保持陆海军的适度规模。Our land and naval forces should be moderate.

小雅告诉咪咪阿姨,看到陆海在中药店徘徊。Lesser told aunt Mimi, see the sea in the medicine.

素玲让陆海找出慧珊的照片和小雅分享。Ling made sea find hui shan share photos and lesser.

我们观礼看致敬来自美国伙伴,陆海战。We observe that salute of American comrades, land and sea.

由陆海两条丝绸之路引进的植物种苗不计其数。Countless plant-species were introduced by land-and-sea-silk-roads.

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他们主要负责训练伊拉克的陆海军军官。They will mainly be responsible for training Iraqi army and navy officers.

哪一位总统是美国第一任陆海军总司令?Which President was the first Commander-in-Chief of the U. S. Army and Navy?

所以我敢打赌,在陆海主权争议上,中国人也会采用这样的文化态度。I would wager in a land-sea-sovereignty dispute this same cultural truth holds.

渤海湾盆地是陆海统一的大型裂谷盆地,陆地和海域有共同的油气生聚规律。Bohai Bay basin has the same conditions for oil and gas generation and accumulation.

它建立了革命政权和镇军陆海军,迅速扩大了革命范围。As an encouragement to the revolutionaries, it helps to expand the revolutionary scope.

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本发明公开了一种基于扰动重力的似大地水准面陆海无缝拼接方法。The invention discloses a disturbing gravity-based quasi-geoid land-sea seamless splicing method.

本实用新型可夹持各种渔杆,适于陆海两用。The utility model can clamp various angling rods, and the utility model is suitable for land and sea.

作为陆海军,总司令,我已指示,为了我们的防务采取一切措施。As commander in chief of the Army and Navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense.

她的陆海循环发生在一个地图上未标明的海洋,这里包含了庞大的岛群。Her Earthsea Cycle takes place in a world of uncharted sea that contains a huge archipelago of islands.

接近演讲尾声时,他赞美美国陆海军部队的军人,说“他们找到了比自身更有价值的东西”。Near the end of his speech, he extolled those in America’s armed forces who “find meaning in something greater than themselves.”

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人们开始私下议论反对美国武器、美国顾问和美国陆海军士兵进入中国。They began to talk among themselves about keeping American arms, American advisers and American soldiers and marines out of China.

其中,既有“以夏变夷”的努力,也有“以夷变夏”的尝试,生动体现了中华民族陆海疆域和文化融通的进程,是不应该被忽视的。The efforts of acculturation either hy Yi or by Xia represented the cultural process of the land and sea interaction of the Chinese nation.

出席会议的包括天皇的军事顾问,陆海军大臣以及亲信幕僚们。At the conference table were the emperor's military advisors, the chiefs of staff of the army and the navy, and their immediate subordinates.