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对一个人不要求全责备。He does not demand perfection in one man.

至于使用人的时候,他是求全责备的。When he employs a person, he demands perfection.

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我没有喜爱对于每件事都太求全责备的人。I don't like people who are too critical about everything.

我这么求全责备,完全是暗藏嫉妒之心。I so jellyfish, are completely hidden blame the heart of jealousy.

当你不求全责备时,你才会感到满足。You will never be satisfied, unless you don't complain about anything.

对他人、对社会、对自己,都不要求全责备。要宽容。Never demand perfection of others, of society, or of yourself. Be tolerant.

放手,就不要试图改变他人或求全责备,我能改变的只有自己。To let go is not to try to change or blame another. I can only change myself.

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中国的礼节并没有制止人们对礼物求全责备。Chinese politeness by no means forbids one to "look a gift horse in the mouth."

这个案例里没有漠不关心的父亲、求全责备的母亲和其他放任自流、爱贬低人、杂乱无章的照料者,问题出在哪里?The critical mother? Where were the abandoning, devaluing, or chaotic caregivers in her life?

面对这些歪曲的或者求全责备的人,你心里要知道国家标准。Faced with these people who distort or demand perfection, you knew that the national standard.

我的手还小,我铺床、画画、扔球的时候,请您不要求全责备。My hands are small, don't expect perfection whenever I make a bed, draw a picture, or throw a ball.

对他们求全责备也好,对他们非份希求也好,其实都不应算作他们的错。In fact, it's the public's fault to demand for perfection or counting on unrealistic expectations of the rich.

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然后孩子们就变得很依赖,接着父母对此感到气愤,很早就开始了求全责备。And then the child becomes dependent, and then the parent resents that, and it gets off into a blameful thing early on.

你会和最好的朋友争斗,你会为旧爱的所为而对新欢求全责备,你会因时光飞逝而流泪,你也终会失去所爱。You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love.