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你真是个花心大萝卜。You are a playboy.

葫萝卜是是健康食品。Carrot is healthy food.

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哇!什么一个大萝卜!Wow! What a big turnip!

哇,好大的萝卜呀。Wow, good large radish.

它拉下一个大萝卜。He pulled down a big turnip.

这萝卜糠了。This radish has gone spongy.

萝卜还是拔不出来。The turnip would not come up.

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萝卜是在地底下生长的。Carrots grow under the ground.

狗答,唓我都不喜欢萝卜。I don't care much for carrots.

兔子吃青菜萝卜。Rabbits eat vegetables radish.

萝卜白菜,各有所爱。Turnip cabbage, all have love.

做没有萝卜的汤。To make my soup withoutradishes.

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我的山羊在萝卜地里面。My goats are in the turnip field.

伯伯拔了许多大萝卜。Uncle pulled out many big turnip.

我先把萝卜洗干净,切成丝。I put the radish wash clean, shred.

她很喜欢那枝大萝卜!She really loves that giant turnip.

她把萝卜刻成一朵花。She carved a flower out of a radish.

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$萝卜青菜,各有所爱。Turnip green vegetables, the martini.

这萝卜真大,这萝卜真重。The radish is big. The radish is heavy.

例如,我也许会吃一些生的葫萝卜。I may eat some raw carrots for instance.