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两艘军舰为运兵船护航。Two warships escorted the troopship.

像是葡萄牙兵船的入侵An invasion of the Portuguese Man-of-War

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运兵船由两艘军舰护航。The troop ship was escorted by two warships.

那艘渡轮已改装为运兵船编入舰队。The ferry was refitted as a troop-ship and joined the fleet.

库尔特看着鹈鹕运兵船点火,它们的喷焰把草烧焦。Kurt watched the Pelicans fire their jets and scorch the grass.

他发现了安全阀,一个鹈鹕运兵船大小的装置,就在主燃烧室下面。He found the dump valve, a mechanism the size of a Pelican dropship, just below the main chamber.

为什么他在没有水上舰队,没有运兵船,只有29艘远洋潜艇的情况下就开战?Why did he start the war with no surface fleet, no troop transports and only 29 oceangoing submarines?

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轨道雷摧毁了所有运兵船,导致他们坠毁在海波里敌后。Orbital mines destroyed all of the transport craft, causing them to crash behind enemy lines on Hypori.

运兵船卡车的第一个专栏进入了正方形犹豫地,前进在走的节奏。M. The first column of troop transport trucks entered the square hesitantly, moving forward at walking pace.

其中包括首批173艘运兵船,8辆指挥所的车和119部骑兵战车。That initial batch includes 173 troop transports, eight command post vehicles and 119 cavalry fighting vehicles.

现在要消灭这次运兵船队为时已晚。因为它已折回,并且分头向星罗棋布的岛屿散开了。It was now too late to destroy the convoy, which had turned back and scattered in all directions among numerous islands.

每一架有机翼的炮艇都布满武器,提供空对地和空对空的支援,同时充当运兵船。Each winged gunship was covered in weapons, offering air-to-ground and air-to-air support as well as serving as an infantry transport.

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在4月的最后天,北方的运兵船开始向河东岸运兵。The damaged boats reached safety below the city. On the last day of April, the Union troop boats began carrying soldiers to the east side of the river.

虽然在前期制作时被标注为“绝地运兵船”,但共和国突击舰的概念草图显然在暗示未来的银河政府。The conceptual sketches of the Republic assault ships, dubbed in preproduction the "Jedi troop transport, " cleary indicate the future of galactic government.

第二次鸦片战争爆发后,为进一步扩大侵略权益,英法俄美四国公使相继率兵船北上,联合向清政府提出修约要求。After the breakout of the Second Opium War, the envoys from Britain, France, Russia and US took the joint action to demand the Qing government to revise the treaties with them.

科雷利亚CR90轻巡洋舰由科雷利亚工程公司建造,是一种中等大小的飞船,能充当运兵船、轻型护航舰、货运船或客轮。Built by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, the Corellian corvette CR90 is a mid-sized vessel which can function as a troop carrier, light escort vessel, cargo transport, or passenger liner.