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元稹自叙“艳诗”定义,以“干教化”相标榜。YUAN Zhen gave definition of erotic poetry.

郁达夫作品的突出特色之一,就是自叙传的文体。One feature of YU Dafus works is the autobiographic style.

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郁达夫有个著名的文学观点,即“文学作品,都是作家的自叙传”。Yu had a famous literal point of view, that'literature works are autobiographies'.

郁达夫“自叙小说”的主人公都是忧郁感伤的知识分子形象,他们挣扎于“性的苦闷”和“生的苦闷”中。The heroes in "autobiographic novels" of Yu Da-fu are all intellect images with distressed feelings.

他们独特的成长自叙为中国成长小说的发展开辟了新的途径。Their unique growth autobiographical novels have opened a new way for the development of Chinese Bildungsroman.

郁达夫的小说理论最具现代性、先锋性,以重情感的真与美为轴心构建起浪漫抒情的“自叙传”小说理论体系。Yu Dafu's novel theory is of great modernity and creativity. It is a kind of romantic autobiography based on truth and beauty.

另一类是自序,多为作者在作品完成之后追述写作动机,自叙生平际遇。The other is preface, multi-author works for the recount after the completion of writing motivation, Autobiography life encounters.

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写一篇自叙性短文,以鲨鱼的视角写一个故事,说说当鲨鱼的感觉,一定要按时间顺序写出细节。Write a story about a shark from the shark's point of view. Tell how it feels to be a shark. Be sure to give details about the experience in time order.

安徒生童话带有鲜明的自叙性质,其童话中的人物结构模式与安徒生自身经历有着密切关系。Hans C. Anderson's fairy tales have clear bearings of himself, for the major types of characters therein have a close relationship with his own experiences.

他传是为别人写传,而自传则是自叙自己的生平事迹和性情爱好的一种文体。The others' biography is writing about the other people's life. While autobiography is a style that the writer writes about his own life, temperament and hobbies.

小说以张爱玲特有的冷静精致的文笔叙述了一个百转千回的爱情故事,流露出作家对人生和情感的悲观情绪,带有浓厚的自叙传色彩。In the novel, she narrated a tortuous love story with her unique calm and fine style, by which reveals the writer's pessimism mood about life and emotion, tinting with a thick color of autobiography.