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根据最新的研究结果,饮食对健康有着重要影响。According to the latest research findings, diet has a significant impact on health.

我们需要根据客户的需求来调整产品设计。We need to adjust the product design according to the customer's requirements.

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根据公司政策,员工可以享受带薪年假。According to company policy, employees are entitled to paid annual leave.

根据报告显示,大多数人更喜欢在家办公。According to the report, most people prefer working from home.

我们需要根据市场反馈来调整营销策略。We need to adjust our marketing strategy based on market feedback.

根据调查结果,学生们对这项提案表示支持。According to the survey results, students support this proposal.

根据规定,所有参与者必须遵守比赛规则。According to the regulations, all participants must adhere to the competition rules.

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我们将根据您的建议进行改进和优化。We will improve and optimize based on your suggestions.

根据经验,这个方案可能会取得成功。Based on experience, this plan may be successful.

根据法律法规,任何人都有权利获得教育。According to laws and regulations, everyone has the right to education.