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有效地扼制了欠税的增长势头。The upturn of arrears and tax unpaid was well curbed.

你无法单凭在华盛顿发表的激烈言辞来保护以色列、扼制伊朗。You don't protect Israel and deter Iran just by talking tough in Washington.

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同时,在经济上我会对北韩进行扼制,并扩大PSI演习的范围。And in the meantime, I would strangle North Korea economically, ramping up the P.S.I.

这是北京政府最近开始扼制地方投资公司的其中一个原因。That's one reason Beijing hastaken steps recently to rein in local investment companies.

印度鹰派认为中国的这些投资像是“一串珍珠”扼制着印度。Hawkish Indians consider these Chinese investments as a “string of pearls” to throttle India.

我们为什么要为纸的消逝而紧张,把它当做扼制思想的经济因素?Why are we wringing our hands about the demise of paper as the economic gating factor for ideas?

然后在许多地区,扼制住强劲的经济增长势头的瓶颈却是大同小异的。However, the bottleneck that affects robust economic growth is more or less the same in many areas.

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我们的股东们也认识到,腐败严重阻碍经济发展,压榨贫困人口,扼制发展机会。Our shareholders know corruption is a drag on economies, taxes the poor, and strangles opportunity.

黄昏的时刻,灰溜溜的天际终于再也扼制不住情绪,爆发是的下起了豪雨。The evening time, the sky finally never added not stem mood, outbreak yes from under the heavy rain.

在加利福尼亚的圣塔卡特莱那岛,消防员扼制了大火蔓延岛上主要城市的危险。On California Santa Catalina Island, firefighters turned back flames threatening the island's main city.

扼制公众舆论的自由表达是专制政府的共同特征。To choke the free expression of public opinion is a common characteristic of all the autocratic governments.

如果在扼制政府赤字方面我们做出了我们的艰难抉择,我们就能用我们需要的投资去赢得未来。If we make the hard choices now to rein in our deficits, we can make the investments we need to win the future.

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污辱泰王是重罪,但批评者指责政府利用这向罪名来扼制异议分子。Insult king is a felony, but critics accused the government to curb the use of these dissidents to the charges.

2010年10月全球的领导都将聚集在日本制定新的目标来扼制物种遭遇更大损失。In October 2010, world leaders will meet in Japan to adopt new targets to halt even greater loss of plant and animal species.

盖里特利假定,性别扼制基因由“m”和“f”构成,它们有三种组合措施。Gellatly hypothesizes that the gender-controlling gene comes in a "male" and "female" version, with three possible combinations of the two.

那些选择、另人更满意的道路始终是存在的,只是在你的头脑中将它们扼制了,因为你相信它们根本不存在。Those alternate, more desirable paths were always there, but you blocked them out in your mind, because you were certain they didn’t exist.

所以,如果我们能通过阻止血管的生成,来阻止肿瘤的发展,就可以在肿瘤还处于良性阶段时扼制它So if you could stop a tumor from being able to develop blood vessels you might be able to stop its growth at a stage where it's not harmful.

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上周乔治•索罗斯在出席挪威的一次经济会议时表示,中国已经错失了扼制通胀的良机。Last week George Soros used a recent appearance at an economic conference in Norway to say China has missed its opportunity to stem inflation.

但他认为维基泄密的被墙,是为了扼制谣言的进一步扩张,而非打压特定的真相。But he said the WikiLeaks' blocking was motivated more by the need to stifle further rumor mongering, rather than suppressing specific revelations.

这种胜利有点扭曲,因为扼制癌细胞在体内扩散的代价就成了它在文化方面肆无忌惮的扩散。It would be a strange victory in which the price to be paid for checking the spread of cancer through the body is its uncontrolled spread through the culture.