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我们深恶痛绝那个无赖。We abominated the rascal.

我对战争感到厌倦并深恶痛绝。I am tired and sick of war.

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她同母亲一样,对贫困寒酸的日子深恶痛绝。She hated dinginess as much as her mother had hated it.

许多宗教界人士说同性恋是一件令人深恶痛绝的事。Many religious people say homosexuality is an abomination.

如果你所做的蹩脚的工作让你深恶痛绝的话,那就再找一个你真正喜欢的工作去做。If you have a crappy job you despise, find a job that you love!

杰克对这前院深恶痛绝,因为他老觉得这院子跟他过不去。Jack hated the front yard because he thought it was against him.

紧贴着海湾的是最让人深恶痛绝的事,奴隶市场就在她门前。Hard by the bay was the abomination, the slave market at her door.

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而这正是总统深恶痛绝的裙带关系。That looked like just the sort of nepotism that the president abhors.

不过,受到失业困扰的美国公众看来对这样的主意深恶痛绝。But a public beleaguered by lost jobs seems loath to embrace such an idea.

此节被译成对埃及人来说,与以色列人一起吃饭是令人深恶痛绝的。The passage states it’s an abomination for Egyptians to eat with Israelites.

她不能理解她哥哥对比尔何以深恶痛绝。She could not understand the animosity felt towards Bill by her older brother.

厨房的油烟是妈妈们的大敌,对此大家深恶痛绝。The lampblack of the kitchen is the archenemy of mom, to this everybody detest.

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当时,我对同学们身在大学校园却不好好读书的行为深恶痛绝。At that time, my students are in college campuses do not make good reading of abhorrence.

“垃圾邮件”是人们深恶痛绝的,因此,这也是最粗暴同时也是效率最低的网络营销。It is the most offe ive and at the same time least effective way to market on the internet.

这一绝无仅有的例外说明,社会对她的罪孽始终是深恶痛绝的。The exception indicated the ever relentless vigour with which society frowned upon her sin.

政府对于这种缺乏秩序的基因测定市场深恶痛绝,其中又以美国政府为甚,该国政府正在考虑对基因测定市场进行监管。Governments hate this sort of anarchy and America’s, in particular, is considering regulation.

可是我倒以为你这样对他深恶痛绝,固然说不上什么理由,却是非常聪明。And yet I meant to be uncommonly clever in taking so decided a dislike to him, without any reason.

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无论从市场还是从员工的角度,我们都对遥控信息的做法深恶痛绝。As markets, as workers, both of us are sick to death of getting our information by remote control.

我们剪辑了一段日本广告的视频让您在视觉上感受这份深恶痛绝。For your viewing pleasure we have included a video clip of a Japanese advert for this abomination.

在对于毒害了堂吉柯德的骑士小说的观念上,塞万提斯表达的是深恶痛绝。In regarding has poisoned in the hall lucky Ke De knight novel idea, Cervantes expresses is abhors.