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在这大干世界上,需要的是一种容人悔改的美德。Virtue. in the great world, should be amenable.

裘的志向是想轰轰烈烈地大干一番。Jo's ambition was to do something very splendid.

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而就在你还没回过神来时,其他人已经大干快上了。And while you've been absent, others have flourished.

在巴克斯顿有个大干田知道巴克斯顿吗?。There's a big hayfield up near Buxton. You know where Buxton is?

球队再度碰到芝加哥公牛队,大家卯足了劲大干一番。Team was pumped to play chicago again, being an "up and coming team".

印度和中国的制药公司都说他们渴望放手大干。There are companies across India and China who say they are raring to go.

最大干密度是确定填石料压实质量的一个主要指标。The maximum dry density is a mainly index of compaction quality for rockfill material.

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口内大干,以致病人咀嚼和吞下食物,都有困难。The mouth is so dry that it is difficulty for the patient to masticate and swallow food.

中国经济的增长是有目共睹的,因此我们开始放开手脚大干。The economic growth in China was visible and we started to look at ways to work in the area.

但这种大干快上式的刺激计划和银行救助措施并未在上周唤起乐观情绪。But the one-two punch of stimulus package and bank bailout did little to buoy optimism last week.

试验结果表明,堆石料的最大干密度需用振动台试验获得。The testing results show that the maximum dry density of rockfill should be tested by the platform vibrator.

不出我们所料,中美此次捐弃前嫌,下定决心要在可再生能源领域携手大干一番了。As it turns out, the United States and China are going to walk hand in hand into the renewable energy future.

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当外加磁场大干临界磁场时,不发生向列相-各向同性相相变。When the external magnetic field is higher than the critical value, the nematic-isotropic phase transition disappears.

我认为我们可以在客户认证上大干一番,其设计结果也将比以太坊好很多。I think we can do a lot with client-side verification, and the resulting designs will scale a lot better than Ethereum will.

本文通过击实试验,确定了风积沙的最佳含水量和最大干密度。In the paper, through the compaction test, the optimum moisture content and maximal dry density of aeolian sand are determined.

通过相互对比,提出了一种快速、合理的方法来确定填石料室内的最大干密度。Through the comparison, An express and effective method of testing the maximum dry density of Rockfill material has been put forward.

当第一艘“帝国级”歼星舰缓缓驶出夸特动力船坞的庞大干船坞时,韦塞克斯证明了那些怀疑论者都错了。Wessex proved the naysayers wrong when the first Imperial-class Star Destroyer lumbered from the sprawling Kuat Drive Yards drydocks.

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青篱竹烧碱-蒽醌法蒸煮时,在整个蒸煮过程中,CML和CC的脱木素速率稍大干S的脱木素速率。The delignification rates in CML and CC are much faster than those in S all through the digestion period during bamboo NaOH-AQ pulping.

得到砂砾石含量对混合料的最佳含水量及最大干密度的影响特征,及其不掺土的砂砾石料的击实特性。Effects on optimum water content and maximum dry density of grit-clay mixture by grit content, as well as compaction characteristics are obtained.

而碧山只是个例外,中国的其他地方似乎决心大干快上,以在30年里完成一世纪的工业化和城市化进程。Bishan is the exception. Everywhere else, the Chinese seem intent on cramming a century’s worth of industrialization and urbanization into about 30 years.