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不要默读,请读出声音来。Don't read to yourself. Please read aloud.

这是对懒人式的默读的测试结果。A result of "lazy reading" of words read silently.

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当你默读时,把你的指头放在你的嘴唇上。Put your finger on your lips as you read silently.

这将使你能够克服掉默读习惯。This will enable you to break the habit of subvocalization.

新的研究发现证实声读或者默读单词都会有效提高记忆。New study finds memory improved by vocalising or sub-vocalising words.

默读被视为速读的最大障碍。Subvocalization is often considered the biggest barrier to speed reading.

这一切都要你在脑海中想象,而不只是默读。The whole thing is meant to be seen in your mind, not just read silently.

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当人类第一次阅读书面文字时,默读是不常见的。When humans first began reading written words, it was unusual to read in silence.

阅读时不默读就好像为你的发动机又上了一个排挡,它能提高你阅读速度的上限。Being able to read without subvocalizing is like adding an extra gear to your engine.

制约学生阅读速度的主要原因是多年养成的默读习惯。The main reason for the slowly speed reading is the habit of reading silently many years.

默读,先不论它在最初学习阅读时的价值如何,却降低了大多数读者的阅读速度。Subvocalization, no matter its value for initially learning to read, slows down most readers.

其实,她初读时非常忧伤,但她怎么也不相信那是他的真心话,于是她又默读了几遍,终于,她清楚了该怎样读法。The lad was eager to write to the girl, yet he was quite sure that the father would read it first.

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改掉这个名为“默读”的习惯,可以使阅读速度提高一倍,甚至两倍。Break this one habit, called subvocalization, and you can double or even triple your reading speed.

他大部分的时间都在将词输入“法语王”,然后默读着结果。He spent much of the flight thumbing words into the French King, and silently mouthing the results.

我一进屋,就能进入角色,潜心默读,坐拥书城,其乐实在是不足为外人道也。As soon as I entered the room, I began to live my part as an avid reader sitting among a roomful of books.

其实,她初读时非常忧伤,但她怎么也不相信那是他的真心话,于是她又默读了几遍,终于,她清楚。In fact, she felt very sad when she read the letter for the first time. But she read it for a few more times.

我蹲坐在时间的牢笼里不断默读记忆,那曾经繁花盛开的惆怅,忽然安静凋谢。I'm sitting on time cage read silently, it was constantly memory flowers come in sadness, suddenly quiet fade.

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有效学者默读或朗读材料。他们放慢速度,边读边倾听每一个单词。Good learners voice the material either silently or aloud. They slow down, listening to each word as they read.

这将打破你默读的习惯,经过足够的实践之后很容易让你阅读速度翻倍。This will break your subvocalization attachment and can easily let you double your reading rate with sufficient practice.

在一般情况下,我们大多数人实际上是在脑中给自己读这些词,也就是著名的默读。At this average speed, most of us are actually reading the words to ourselves in our head, which is known as subvocalizing.