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这本著作是用文言文写成的。This book is written in classical Chinese.

探讨了文言文的最佳阅读方法。The best reading method of writings in classical chmese was discussed.

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文言文太简单,全用毛笔答题,这是便宜他们。Classical Chinese is too simple, used brush answer, it is cheaper them.

关于中文,我们现在比从前读更多的文言文。As for Chinese, we read more writings in the literary style than before.

文言文教学一直是语文教学的重点和难点。It is both important and difficult to teach the classical Chinese language.

那么高中文言文教学之新面目定能指日可待。Thus to strengthen the classical teaching in Senior High is in the process.

二是对文言文的学习强调了诵读的作用,还规定了背诵的数量和篇目。Emphasis has been placed on reading aloud in learning of the classical language.

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三是文言文教学中培养非智力因素的途径和方法。I'll talk about training methods using the non-intelligence factor in five ways.

使动用法和意动法是文言文常用的两种表达方式。Imperative usage and conative usage are the common expression in ancient Chinese.

这本书读起来不太容易,它使用的是文言文并且非常精简。It is not easy to read because it is written in classical Chinese and very terse.

文言文的白话文意思是如果天下的官员都是清正廉洁的,那百姓就能过上富足的生活。Only if all the officials were free from corruption, our people can live a wealthy life.

第四就是根据中学生的年龄层次设计中学文言文的教学层次。The forth step is to devise teaching strata according to the ages of middle school students.

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第四章本章是中学文言文阅读教学策略具体操作和实践,努力做到理论指导实践、实践检验理论。We may try use theory to instruct our teaching and check our theory right or not by practice.

第六章通过举实例来谈诵读在诗歌、文言文等不同课型中的运用。The reciting class in poetry and classical Chinese is discussed through examples in the last chapter.

第二章分析了苏教版高中语文文言文教学现状。The second chapter analyzes the status of teaching classical Chinese language Sujiao Ban High School.

文言文的白话文意思是如果天下的官员都是清正廉洁的,那百姓就能过上富足的生活。If all the officials were free from corruption, we common people would be able to live a wealthy life.

希望本文的研究,能为我们的初中文言文教学的成功改革做出一定的贡献。I hope this study can be for the success of the reform to our middle school teaching classical Chinese.

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可是对一个车轮师父而言,这些之乎者也的文言文是太深而难懂的。To a craftsman, the ancient article with recondite and scholastic words was too abstruse to understand.

从此出现了白话文和文言文在语文教科书中并存的现象。From then on, the Chinese teaching materials have both Classical Chinese and writings in the vernacular.

这其中包括蒋介石本人的日记,从1918年到1972年蒋介石坚持每天写至少一页文言文的日记。This includes Chiang's own diary, in which he wrote at least a page of classical Chinese daily from 1918 to 1972.