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物态化只是艺术的一种形式。State of matter is only one kind of artistic form.

由配分函数求出二元系统的物态方程。Then the equation of state for binary system is developed.

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论文第一章给出了固体及物态方程的基础知识。In chapter one, the basic knowledge of the solids and EOS is given.

其次,我们研究了零温时中子星物质的物态方程。Secondly, the equation of state of neutron matter at zero temperature is studied.

金以矿物态为主,金矿物主要为银金矿、含银自然金。Gold mainly exists as gold minerals, including electrum, silver-bearing native gold.

分子间的相互作用势也是物态方程理论计算的基础。The molecular interaction is the rudiment of theoretical calculation of matter function.

由配分函数求出二元系统的物态方程和偏超额化学势。Then the equation of state and partial excess chemical potential for binary system is developed.

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论文第三章介绍了常用的固体等压物态方程及相关参量。In chapter three, some common isobaric equations of state and the related parameters are introduced.

校园物态环境是人文环境的物质载体,是人们活动的物化。Campus material environment was the state of human cultural environment, and the physical activities.

生物具有的其他隐蔽能力包括夜间活动,地下活动以及透明物态。Other ways an organism may be cryptic include nocturnality, subterranean lifestyle, and transparency.

用它得到普遍形式的温度公式与物态方程。With this method, the general form of the temperature formula and the equation of state can be obtained.

从结构上来讲,它是由喀斯特洞穴物态文化层、行为文化层和心态文化层有机耦合而成。In the terms of structure, it is formed integrating physical culture, behavior culture and mental culture.

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二是于非暗注重从写生中体察物理、物情、物态。Second, pay attention to FeiChang-Yu painting in the show from the physical and material conditions, state.

美国科学家做了这样的检验,但由于缺乏对爆轰产物物态方程的了解,没有能得出肯定的检验结论。They did not give positive conclusion due to lack of the knowledge of the equation of state of the product.

为此,本文采用两种模型分别对铝等温物态方程进行计算。In present paper, two different methods are used to calculate the isothermal equation of state respectively.

采用直接蒙特卡洛路径积分方法计算了稠密氢等离子体的物态方程。The equation of state of dense hydrogen plasma were calculated by Direct Path Integral Monte Carlo approach.

这既检验了这种理论估算方法,也再次检验了爆轰的ZND理论和两相的排平物态方程,也是对实验方法的一种支持。This not only tested the calculation method, but also the ZND theory of detonation and the two phase R T EOS again.

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从美学角度来看,青铜器是夏商周艺术审美的物态化体现。From an aesthetic point of view, bronze was the physical state of aesthetic expression in Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasty.

冷却原子与纳米结构结合的另一种可能性,就是产生新的物态。Another possibility is that this combination of cold atoms with nanoscale structures could lead to new states of matter.

进一步促进了磁驱动等熵加载、发射飞片实验技术、物态方程研究的开展。This work will be helpful to further development of isentropic compression technique and the study of equation of state.