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茱萸入药,可制酒养身祛病。Cornel medicine, liquor health illnesses.

运用传统中医的养身理念,进行中医健康调理。To apply health care theories of traditional Chinese medicine to help rehabilitation.

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运动方式可独立控制。使您精力充沛,健康舒适的养身按摩。Exercise independent control. Make your energy, health and comfort of bealing massage.

所以,对人体而言,最大的必需品是取暖,保持我们的养身的热量。The grand necessity, then, for our bodies, is to keep warm, to keep the vital heat in us.

禹不顾全身子,忙碌劳累地造成自己半身不遂,是不懂得养身。Yu didn't know how to conserve health because he was too moiling and paralyzed his half body.

快餐时代里随遇而安的爱情,可以暖胃,暖心,还是养身?Age go with the flow of love fast food, you can warm stomach, warm the heart, or self-cultivation?

适合银发族的活力宝典养身榖类产品、男性和女性维他命口服液等等。We also developed grains & oatmeal for the elderly, and separate vitamin drinks for men and women.

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它蕴含着深刻的“天人合一”的哲学思想,以独特的魅力吸引着世界各地的养身、修身、健身者。"The unity of universe and humanity" is a philosophical thinking which was contained in Tai Ji cultures.

喜欢研究养生学,“养身与养心”,总是生命中固执的追求。Like study the preserve one's health, "keep sound in body and mind ", always tenacious pursuit in the life.

本文在学术界第一次提出并探讨了早期儒家的养生文化,把它的内容概括为养心与养身两大部分。This is the first time I have discussed the early Confucian culture of cultivating life in academic circles.

他的寿命长达100多年,以身说法说服了人们关于他的食疗和养身之道。Doctor Sun Simiao lived over 100 years, which convinced people of his dietetic treatment and health care theories.

中华武术扬名海外,而中国人的特点是能以气养身,轻、快、飘逸。Chinese martial arts known overseas, and the Chinese people can be characterized by Yang Shen gas, light, fast and elegant.

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在传统养身健身领域中,落后与进步、前进与后退在其发展的过程中是相依相辅而共存的。In the area of regimen, backwardness and improvement coexisted and supplemented each other in the process of its development.

董仲舒的治身观念来源于上古方术及黄老思想,是对经典儒学养身思想的有效补充。The body-management mode of thought of Dong Zhongshu traces back to ancient necromancy and the thoughts of Huangdi and Laozi.

在科学知识的基础上,人们不仅注意医疗保健,更注重运动养身。On the foundation of scientific knowledge, people not only notice a medical treatment, but also pay attention to sport to keep the body.

独创的养身菜品系列加上个性化品牌视觉形象,使味纯香拉面占据独有的市场竞争力!Original-cultivation dishes series with personalized brand image, so that occupies a unique taste of pure Hong Ramen market competitiveness!

我们的专业人员如美丽天使,提供一系列纤体、养身、脸部身体护理服务及产品咨询。With self-motivated and disciplined employees, we have developed a competitive edge in providing Slimming, Wellness and Beauty product and best service.

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嵇康的境界论透显出他对真性情的重视,也形成了其思想中精神境界和养身手段之间的矛盾。The theory manifests his partiality for real feelings, and therefore forms the contradiction between the spiritual realm and the means of staying healthy.

它蕴含著深刻的“天人合一”的哲学思想,以独特的魅力吸引著世界各地的养身、修身、健身者。The people who want to preserve health, cultivate morality and strengthen the body in the whole world are attracted by unique fascination of Tai Ji cultures.

生态、现代的环境设计足以让人们体验到自然天成,远离喧嚣的生态湖泊之修心养身之感。The ecological and modern environment design is good enough for people to experience the natural ecological lake which is far from clamor and enjoy the serenity.