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为了迎接柳条女人,他把妻子锁在了煤窑里。He'd locked his wife in the coal cellar in preparation.

当地的许多私人小煤窑都被关闭了。Many small private collieries in the area have been shut down.

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最近几年建议加强劳工权利的人表示他们看到了工人逐渐增加的收益,但也称有迹象表明某些地方存在虐用劳动力现象,比如最近发生的警察从安徽黑煤窑解救出32名智障者的例子。In recent years, labor rights advocates say they have seen incremental gains for workers.

登封市“9·21煤窑瓦斯事故”随即也有了初步的处理结果。Dengfeng "9 · 21 coal pit gas accident" also had the preliminary processing result immediately.

小浪底水库蓄水后,淹没区内小煤窑充水对新安煤矿形成较大危害。After the impoundment of Xiaolangdi Reservoir, the water of small coal mines threatened Xin an Coal Mine.

合法的和非法的小煤窑,产煤量合起来仅为总产量的三分之一,但是死亡人数占总数的四分之三。Small mines, legal and illegal, accounted for three-fourths of the deaths but only a third of the production.

非法小煤窑受腐败的地方政府保护的情况在中国非常普遍,这使得安全整治变得更加艰难。Small illegal pits protected by corrupt local officials are common in China, making enforcement of safety difficult.

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重新乘着来时的那种小火车走出煤窑,然后到矿工们的盥洗室随便洗洗,回到家里已是半夜时分。Taking the same mini-train back to the entrance, he cleans up in the miners' bathroom, and arrives home around midnight.

我见过十岁、十一岁的孩子被放到桶里,吊到五十尺深的煤窑里挖煤。I have seen children, of ten and eleven years put in buckets and lowered down fifty feet below the ground into coal pits.

山西省乡宁县的一个煤窑外,被困矿工的亲人们在焦急地等待着,等待着关于他们亲人的消息。Anxious relatives waited outside the pit in the Xiangning county in the Shanxi province, for news on their family members.

她发现这个男生,黑得像刚从煤窑里挖出来似的,结实得像尊石雕,却带着海涅的诗集。She discovered that this boy was as black as a piece of coal just being dug out from a mine, and as solid as a stone statue.

她发现这个男生,黑得像刚从煤窑里挖出来似的,结实得像尊石雕,却带着海涅的诗集。She discovered that this boy was as black as a piece of coal just being dug out from a mine, while as solid as a stone statue.

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政府曾说,负责安全监督或是关停煤窑的官员在这些煤矿中都持有股份。Officials in charge of overseeing safety or closing the mines often had stakes in the same mines, the government has said previously.

近代萍乡小煤窑的整体产量远超萍乡煤矿,它是近代萍乡煤业的真实霸主。Pingxiang small collieries were far beyond Pingxiang colliery in output they had the hegemony factually in Pingxiang coal industry in modem times.

在神朔铁道神木至大柳塔段,为了解地下煤窑空洞与隧道情况,布设了6条测线,共计388个测点,进行了地磁总强度观测工作。From Shenmu to Daliuta section along Shensuo railway, we set up 6 survey lines in order to understand the condition of underground coal pit and tunnel.

相反,成长于自由资本自由竞争机制中的萍乡小煤窑业,即使在被政府与萍乡煤矿持续“清剿”、“整顿”的大环境下,仍得以不断发展。In contrast , the Pingxiang small collieries were growing in the free competition mechanism , and developing continually even if it was removed or stopped.

在这种情况下,国家一度只有鼓励遍布全国的小煤窑加紧生产,才能渡过难关。And on that occasion, the Government had no other choice but to encourage small coal mines across the country to increase productions to ride out the crisis.

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而在中国煤电矛盾最突出的时刻,煤窑的生产事故也达到了顶峰。And at the moment when the conflict between coal and power in China was the most serious, the number of industrial accidents of coal mines also reached a peak.

早期的煤矿城市大抵经历了从煤窑到煤矿、从煤矿到矿区、从矿区到城市这样一个过程。The early coal-mining cities generally went through the process from coalpits to coal mines, and then to coal mining districts, and finally to coal-mining cities.

沿河小煤窑的无序开采是这种地质灾害产生的根源,而地质及环境因素是灾害产生的必要条件。The origin of the hazard is the disordered mining of coal pits along a river, and geological and environmental factors are the necessary conditions of the hazard.