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邪,你们招惹了什么人?Is evil, what person did you vex?

最高的树最易招惹雷电。Loftiest trees most dread the thunder.

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但我们看得出他如何招惹指责。You can see how he got the accusation.

格林在努力避免招惹是非。Green is trying to let sleeping dogs lie.

睡着了还真难招惹出麻烦。It's hard to get in trouble when you're asleep.

我的老板脾气坏得吓人,请别招惹她。My boss is a terror, don't get on her bad side.

白秀笑声如铃,“没有招惹?Didn't "white show the mirth is like alarm, " provoke?

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避开不善之人,远离是非之地,不招惹麻烦,不要养成坏的习惯。A to Z Avoid negative people, places, things and habits.

我可不想招惹这哥们儿,自寻死路。I don't want to dice with death by pissing off this guy.

你可能会在不知不觉中招惹失眠上门,比如你也许会在睡前吃一片奶酪烤面包片当点心。Did you have a piece of cheese toast for a bedtime snack?

彼得被猫抓伤两次之后,就不敢再招惹牠了。After the cat had scratched Peter twice , he let it alone.

迪克是个败家子,总给家里招惹麻烦。Dick is a black sheep, always bringing trouble to his family.

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本周她的脾气一反常态,因此不要招惹她。Her temper's been very changeable this week so don't annoy her.

瞧这一家人都不讲理,你别去招惹他们了。The whole family are irrational, don't deal with them any more.

不要招惹浪子,文艺青年和中年男子。Don't go after wastrels , young literati nor the middle-aged men.

杰克时常与人打架,因为他老是招惹是非。Jack often gets into fights because he is always looking for trouble.

许多名人喜欢招惹是非,来引起媒体的经常关注。Many celebrities like to make waves in order to be kept in the media.

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我就像那个夜总会里的倒霉蛋,不停地去招惹那个热力四射的女郎。I'm like the loser in the nightclub who keeps hitting on the hot babe.

不要招惹浪子、文艺青年和中年男子。Do not provoke prodigal son of arts, culture, youth and middle-aged man.

那天一个喝醉了的家伙,他想招惹我,葡萄酒保把他哄赶出赴。A drunk guy at the bar tried to mess with me, but the bartender kicked him out.