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我要作一个堂堂正正的人。I am going to be a sport.

你认为安德鲁是个堂堂正正的人吗?Do you think Andrew is a good sport?

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他一贯堂堂正正地谋生。He has always earned an honest living.

这场比赛不错,他们堂堂正正地赢了我们。It was a good game and they beat us fair and square.

尧的目的是要让我做一位堂堂正正的正人君子。Yao asked me to be an open and aboveboard gentleman.

你是一个堂堂正正的中国人!You are one of the impressive and dignified Chinese!

好吧,好吧!我认输。你堂堂正正地打败我了。OK! OK, I surrender. You've beaten me fair and square.

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现在我正在通向堂堂正正做人的道路,没有什么能阻拦我。I'm on my way and there's nothing going to stop me now.

因为,只有这样,我们才能堂堂正正的活下去。Because, that's the only way we can live with ourselves.

努力改正缺点,你就可做个堂堂正正的人!Correct your shortcomings hard, you can be an open person!

我希望在枫叶这片沃土上,勤勤恳恳工作,快快乐乐生活,堂堂正正做人。I wish to work hard, live a happy life, and be a decent person.

在你的双唇,呼吸之所,印下堂堂正正的一吻。And lips, o you, the doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss.

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努力改正缺点,你就可以做一个堂堂正正的人!Efforts to correct the shortcomings, you can do an upright person!

印下堂堂正正的一吻,与死神签下永世的契约!Seal with a righteous kiss a dateless bargain to engrossing death!

我是堂堂正正的大马人,我永远有批抨我的祖国的权利。I am a Malaysian, I always have the rights to critisize my motherland.

想堂堂正正的站在民才面前的话。Thinks the open and aboveboard station in the people only then front words.

我下定决心,一定要堂堂正正地做人,光明磊落地活下去。I was determined, must be open and aboveboard, open and above board to live.

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堂堂正正的做个一个女人愿意与你共度人生的男子汉吧。Just stand up and be the kind of man a woman would be proud share her life with.

堂堂正正的人行不更名坐不改姓!Open and aboveboard person goes not more the name sits not to change a last name!

任何一个堂堂正正、顶天立地,都不会也不能回避这一份责任。Anything open and above is a spirit that will not be able to avoid this responsibility.