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附送透明胶手袋1个!Comes with 1 lovely Jelly Bag!

这个旋钮只是用透明胶带固定住的。This knob is only held on by sellotape.

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我们不接受用透明胶封口的包裹。We dont accept parcels sealed with Scotch tape.

形成一种透明胶,静置时该胶不会退化。It forms a clear gel which will not retrograde on stand.

大型透明胶瓶起飞的,你可削减顶部。A large clear plastic bottle off of which you can cut the top.

透明胶水库可以方便地监测种子水平。The clear plastic reservoir makes it easy to monitor seed levels.

它们的身体呈透明胶质囊状,像水母。Their bodies are transparent and gelatinous, like those of jellyfish.

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我还用透明胶绕了把手一圈,好让纸贴着把手。I also wrapped tape around the back of the handle to hold the paper down.

透明胶材包覆所述多个化合物半导体裸片。The compound semiconductor bare chips are coated by the transparent adhesive.

拷贝到水彩纸上的线稿并用透明胶纸固定在画板上。Copy to the watercolor paper and stick it to the drawing board with sellotape.

我们不想让在日常生活中使用透明胶带的人感到害怕,埃斯科瓦尔说。We don't want to scare people from using Scotch tape in everyday life, Escobar adds.

方法透明胶纸法对部分在校学生进行抽样调查。Methods Part of school students were given a sample survey by transparent tape method.

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礼篮包装用玻璃纸,以及一些透明胶带关闭两侧。Gift baskets are wrapped using cellophane as well as some scotch tape to close the sides.

运用透明胶纸法对669人进行蠕形螨检查。A study on examining demodex mite in 669 cases was performed with a cellophane tape method.

肌内黏液瘤大体边界清楚,灰白色,半透明胶冻状,有光泽及粘滑感。Results Grossly, intramuscular myxoma was well defined, grayish white, and shiny gelatinous.

比较挤压刮取涂片法与透明胶纸粘贴法对蠕形螨的检出效果。To compare the two methods of squeezing and cellophane tape in demodex-detecting efficiency.

回到家,她把照片的四边用透明胶带包好,以防磨损。At home, she covered both sides of the photo with strips of transparent tape to keep it safe.

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方法采用透明胶纸粘贴法对部分大、中专学生进行蠕形螨检查并分析原因。Method Mite samples were collected from college students using tape preps method and examined.

用夸张的彩色书写你孩子的名字,用透明胶带一层层粘上去。Write your kids name on it in big, bold, colorful letters and laminate using clear packing tape.

所有对象必须放在一个可重复密封的透明胶袋内,并附有购买证明。All objects must be placed in a transparent re-sealable plastic bag, along with proof of purchase.