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这个峭壁非常危险。The crag is very dangerous.

海潮冲着峭壁。The waves dashed against the cliff.

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这条狭窄的小径曲曲折折地向峭壁伸延。The narrow path zigzags up the cliff.

他们登上一块又一块的峭壁。They surmount one crag after another.

我们艰难地顺着峭壁爬下来。We clambered down the side of the cliff.

他鼓起勇气攀登那个峭壁。He mustered up courage to climb the cliff.

攀上高岩峭壁一睹风光无限的海岛。Climbing up crags to get a view of islands.

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山里的湍流从峭壁上直泻而下。Mountain torrents rush down from the cliff.

武夷山绝壁峭壁,深坑巨谷。Wuyi mountain escarpment, pit giant valley.

在海浪肆虐的峭壁上,我明白了。I understand, beyond the surf beating barranca.

我们可见那个高悬于大海上方的峭壁。We can see the cliff that beetles over the sea.

我尝试了很多次要攀到那个峭壁上,但没有成功。I tried many times to climb the cliff but failed.

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那间小屋有一半悬在峭壁边上。The hut hung half over the edge of the precipice.

群峰层峦叠翠岩,峭壁林立。The mountain has numerous peaks and steep cliffs.

悬崖,峭壁,陡岸,绝壁。A steep headland, promontory, riverbank, or cliff.

我喜欢它那纯朴而又宏伟的峭壁。I liked the simple, wild grandeur of the palisades.

他冒险不系安全带去攀爬峭壁。He chanced climbing the cliff without a safety belt.

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湖光旖旎、峭壁峥嵘,游客们被深深吸引了。The view of lake and plunging cliff seduces visitors.

峭壁上,一尊玉女的雕像是那么地安静。Precipice, a Buddha statue herself of the is so quiet.

当一阵阵微风吹过高高的峭壁陡崖。What is that which the breeze o'er the towering steep.